Chapter 6- Their Return

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Bella P.O.V

I get up and an get dressed, I just brush my hair out and change into an out fit for school. I just chucked on the  first thing I could find.

I chucked on my leather jacket, grabbing my  helmet and bag before walking  out of  my  room, closing the doors behind me before putting my helmet on I tuck my hair into my jacket before zipping it up

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I chucked on my leather jacket, grabbing my  helmet and bag before walking  out of  my  room, closing the doors behind me before putting my helmet on I tuck my hair into my jacket before zipping it up. I  mount my bike and take off.

about 500 meters from school, the two lanes merge into one, the car in front of me is one that no matter how much time passed I'd always recognise it. Edwards sleek  silver Volvo.  i sped up so he would have tail me in front of him and  braked making him slam on his breaks, he went to start to abuse me, i  stuck up the middle finger and sped up just enough that i'd make it to the car spaces just in time for them to see remove my helmet and take off my protective gear.

I parked in the closest bay to the stairs .... Edwards old spot.  I sat on my bike, waiting for the Cullen's to full into a parking bay. I waited until they were looking in my direction, I pulled off my helmet and shook out my hair. They saw me and their jaws dropped,  I willed my shield to listen to their thoughts.

Edward: damn, who is she? she can certainly handle that bike of hers. why cant I hear her thoughts? Bella?

I giggle.

emmet: that girl is bad ass.  she reminds me of belle

rose: I wish I could be like  her....

jasper: MATE!!! my Bella.

I unzip my jacket and shrug it off revealing my outfit grabbing by bag form the back of the bike. I could here jasper growling from here. I laugh, I walk into the building with jasper and  the  rest of them staring at my receding figure.  i walked into forks high school through the  door off the car parking lot. laughing. my. ass. off.

I had to assume that they would have their old timetables, sooo lucky for me. I had all the Cullen kids in sport, I had jasper in pretty much all my classes, the only time I use to get a break from him was when I had study  period, he would be too busy making out with Alice to bother to show up. Edward, I had in every period. I remember when the pain was particularly bad me and Edward would go sit out in his car listening to Clare de lar lune, or even the lullaby he had created for me.

rose, I only had her in maths, while Emmett I had in most of my classes actually the only one I didn't have him in was biology  and maths C. even though Emmet was just as good at maths as me probably better actually he had to play his part as the dumb jock. Alice, I was fortunate not to have her  in any  of my classes. even  if she was or use to be she would skip that class intentionally, if she didn't feel like playing the part of the "friend" that day. I'm just glad I won't have to put up with her any more

it was unfortunate for me, because to day straight up i have gym.... UHHHH

i just had to keep my head down and just get on with my gym lesson, or.....I could go see my head of year and get a slip to excuse me from sport this day. honestly, that seemed like a better alternative than sitting through this torture. maybe I could shift, I could try different forms this time, mate. though my panther form was pretty cool. It took less than five minutes to get their permission needed.

Unlike the shifters on the reservation, my cloths don't shred when I shift. I for one am thankful. I am sooo exited to shift I can practically feel the shift burning my skin  in anticipation. my feet pound the pavement, as I run down the corridor. I could feel the smile getting bigger as I got closer  and closer to the woods. as i was  passing jasper in the  corridor I slowed down,  I looked  at his face, you can literally se the disappointment on his face. he was  disappointed to have  a human of a mate.

I say to him, "I know that I'm a disappointment, but  you don't  need to show me that. you should just reject me already. then at least one of us can be happy."

I run off with tears in my eyes.

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