Let Us Die Young (Louis)

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"Anna, I love you. I always will, even after I’m gone. Until the end of time.” Louis whispered into my ear.

We were sitting in his hospital room, the only place we had really been for the past four months. Louis had been slowly dying of a rare form of brain cancer, and there was no way to stop or slow it down. Everyone knew he was going to die soon, and we were all trying to make it as pain-free and peaceful as possible.

“Louis don’t say your goodbyes. Not yet,” I responded and clinged to him tighter.

He gave me a squeeze and smiled weakly, “Exactly a year ago I asked you to marry me at the concert in London. Do you remember?”

“Yes,” I laughed, “We had only been dating two months and you shocked everyone when you pulled me on stage. You got down on one knee, and asked me to marry you in front of everyone. And after I said yes, you serenaded me with Gotta Be You.”

“Your parents almost went into cardiac arrest, but we eased them over onto the idea,” Louis kissed me lightly on the cheek, “Anna, I love you.”

“Louis,” I sighed, “I love you so much it hurts. When we married each other, I thought I was going to finally have you forever. But I’m losing you so fast. Louis, don’t leave me.”

Tears were streaming down my face at a rapid pace. My heart sped up and felt like it was about to beat out my chest. Knowing that I was going to lose Louis, was nothing compared to it actually happening.

“Now please stop crying, love. I want to die happy with you in my arms, smiling and loving me. I love you so much, and I always will way after I’m gone.” He took my face into his hands and placed a soft kiss on my lips.

“I love you so much,” I said and put my head against his chest.

I laid there in Louis’s arms until I felt them slowly getting limp. His heart monitor started blaring but I ignored it. He didn’t want chaos when he went. He just wanted me to lay in his arms and be with him the whole way through. I brushed a hair out of his face and placed a kiss on his cheek.

“I love you, Louis. Forever and always.” 


“Again, I’m so sorry for your loss,” I heard a voice near me say.

“Thank you.” I murmured.

Whoever that was, they were insignificant. Jay, and all of Lou’s sisters had broken down and left a while ago. The boys, Harry, Niall, Liam, and Zayn had all stayed with me. They were waiting for me at the front of the church. I hadn’t gone up yet, because I was terrified. Everyone had insisted on an open casket, even though I had objected. Seeing Louis cold and lifeless, sounded like my own hell on earth. I slowly approached the guys. They weere all weeping and sobbing while looking down at Louis. Honestly, I wasn’t even sure what he was wearing because I had refused to help pick it out. And I also really didn’t care.

I reached them and looked down. Louis had his hair in the same way as always,  all over the place on the top of his head. He was shockingly wearing his normal blue striped shirt and his red pants with toms. Wow. That had been one of his favourite outfits. He looked so white and unnormal and… dead. My eyes got heavy and hot tears started rolling down my face. I can’t take this anymore. Life without him wasn’t life at all. 

I ran out of the big room and out of the church itself. Surrounding the church was a huge busy high-way that was only occupied by only semi-trucks. It would be so easy to just… step in front of one.

Louis wouldn’t want me to do it but I couldn’t live without him. He was my only reason for breathing, or living. I got up off the stairs of the church and walked slowly but with purpose to the street. I would need to run in front so none of them would stop. I took a deep breath and took off running.

“Anna, no!” I heard Harry scream after me.

I didn’t stop. The truck hit me and I was finally with Lou.

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