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liked by mrmuselk and 17,916 others
bazzagazza: mine and em's dinner today 😍
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LaserJayYT: this was so good, I would have it every day if I had the choice 😍
bazzagazza: I know what else you would have 😏
LaserJayYT: well, I wouldn't say no 👌
jesynelson: jesus Christ guys keep it in private chat 😷
LaserJayYT: I'm coming for your pickle, Brodey 😏😏😏
neonwhxtes and LaserJayYT
Anne-Marie: you and Brodey are couple goals lmao
Emily: yuh we are, he treats me so much better than that knob head Lannan did
Anne-Marie: how is the attempt to stay civil with Lan?
Emily: lol that went down the drain ages ago, he went out on the piss the night he had the twins and left them at home with tannar, yet again. I've had enough of him.
Anne-Marie: ouch why does he do that?
Emily: drink is obviously more important than his children 🙅