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liked by mrsdemeur and 10,928 others
bazza: I miss you so much
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mrmuselk: she knows buddy
mrsdemeur: I will be back soon, I just don't know when
bazza: the kids miss you too babi
mrsdemeur: I miss them as well :(
mrmuselk: I'll bring her back home soon, she wants to stay a bit more
mrsdemeur: the beach is lovely and everyone's super nice here, I love it 😊
bazza: I will come visit you soon babi
mrsdemeur: I wanna be on my own
LazarBeamYT: what's going on between you guys
mrsdemeur: long story Lan, I'll message you
mrsdemeur and LazarBeamYT
Emily: hey, basically me and B had a massive argument bc he found out me and you were friends again and he got mad and shouted at me so I've moved in w/ Ell until I can get back on my feet
Lannan: is there anything I can do?
Emily: well can you have the kids for a while, so I can get everything to Ell's house
Lannan: sure thing, bring them over any time, tan is here with me for a few weeks and I'm sure she won't mind helping