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The Mikaelson family better known as the originals have nine famous members...

Esther the original Witch...

Mikeal the destroyer...

Freya the presumed dead sister...

Finn the Suicidal brother...

Elijah the noble Mikaelson...

Niklaus Mikealson the big bad wolf...

Kol the wild Mikealson...

Rebekah the one who loves too easily...

Last but not least Henrik Mikealson the trickster...

Out of all siblings, Henrik is the one feared the most even more than Klaus for he is the tribrid. Now for reasons known only to Henrik and Kai, he is the nogitsune. Everyone knows about what a nogitsune is and that it craves chaos, strife, and pain. Henrik is not much of a 'family' person which is the reason why he left his siblings by cloaking himself with a powerful spell that no one could track him. Especially with all the drama between the siblings, he found it annoying. Even though the 'drama' could be considered a form of chaos, he just couldn't stand it which is another reason why he left. Out of all siblings in the Mikealson family, Henrik hates Finn and Elijah. He couldn't stand the noble morals of Elijah, and as for Finn well he never did like him ever since he first laid eyes on him. He was too much of a mama's boy in Henrik's eyes.

Somewhere along the way, he met the sociopathic siphoner named Malachai Parker or Kai as he preferred. These two were like two peas in a pot. You could even say they acted like twins. There was not a moment where you would find the two without each other. Witches always hated the youngest Mikaelson and obviously the feeling was mutual. Now the witch community had mostly two reasons. One, they were the servants of nature, and they were responsible for the balance and Henrik was not considered as a balance. Two, whenever witches crossed paths with him, they would either get killed or their powers would get siphoned off by Kai.

Present- New Orleans - Rousseau's Bar

"So what brings you two here?" said Camille.

Henrik looked up at the blonde bartender with mischievous eyes and smirked. "Hm well, I'm here for my troublesome siblings and some chaos."

Camille raised an eyebrow at the familiar answer. "Oh? I think someone similar came here a week ago saying the same thing."

Henrik chuckled. "Let me guess, brown hair, brown eyes and wearing a suit?"

"Yeah. You know him or something?"

"Unfortunately. He's one of my siblings."

Camille chuckled and looked at Kai who seemed to be tweeting on his phone. "And you?" She looked at Kai.

Kai looked up at the bartender and smirked. "Oh, I'm here just for murdering people."

"You're joking, right?" said Camille.

"Right..." said Kai mysteriously.

"Well we should get going before the cavalry comes in. Let's go, Kai."

"Right behind you man."


Three vampires stopped the two and glared at them.

"Hey, you're not allowed to be here without Marcel's permission." said a random vampire.

Henrik raised an eyebrow and sped to the three vampires and killed them. "I'm an original show some respect."

"Are you done, Mischief?" said Kai.

"Yes, let's get going."

At the Mansion

The door to the mansion slammed open. Everyone looked at the door. Sophie's eyes widened in fear as he saw the youngest Mikaelson and the Gemini Siphoner.

"You're here little brother. But did you have to slam the door open?" said Klaus.


Klaus sighed. "Come meet the others. This is Hayley." he pointed at Hayley who was looking at the newcomers with suspicious eyes. "And this is Sophie."

Kai and Henrik looked at the witch and smirked. Sophie flinched at the looks that she was getting from the two.

"Do not kill her, we need her." said Klaus.

"Hoh? Why is that?" said Henrik.

"She's linked to my child."

"You do know Kai can get rid of that right?"

Klaus raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"That's right I can. And then I'll kill her and the mutt. After taking her magic of course." Kai smirked.

Sophie's eyes widened in fear.

"Good thinking Kai." said Henrik.

"Nobody's killing anyone!" Rebekah shouted.

"Why not? We can kill the witch and then kill the mutt when she has given birth. Or have you gone soft?" Kai smirked.

"Enough!" Klaus shouted.

"Well anyway, what's your plan Nik?" said Henrik.

"I am going to ask Marcel to give Elijah back to us."

"No killing?" said Kai with doubtful eyes.

"How boring. Why don't you add a bit of chaos?" Henrik smiled darkly.

Everyone except Kai shivered at the look.

"Plan B is war, so there's going to be some chaos in there."

"How exciting." said Kai and Henrik together as they smirked.

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