🖤Chapter Twelve🖤

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After class, I head back to the dorm and decide on an outfit. I had mostly black in my closet and a few reds. I just took out random dresses until... I found the perfect fit.

I smiled at it, twirling around like a little girl as I admired the bow in my hair (it was up in a ponytail as usual, making my hair go down to my waist)

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I smiled at it, twirling around like a little girl as I admired the bow in my hair (it was up in a ponytail as usual, making my hair go down to my waist).

I heard the door open with a click, and turn just in time to see Peggy in the doorway.
"Um... am I interrupting anything??" She asks, as she is clearly trying not to laugh at me.
"I was trying on dresses-I found this one and I really like it. Thoughts?" I explain, admiring the ring on my finger.
"It looks nice." Peggy replies, nodding in approval. I beam at her, stepping closer to her and squeezing her hands.
"Uh... Shadow??"
"Let's fins you an outfit now!" I say cheerfully, as I tug her towards her closet.
"Uh, what?? We really don't-"
"Oh, come on! It'll be fine!" I protest, searching through her clothes.

After a few minutes, I give her an outfit and she reluctantly tries it on.
"Is this really necessary?" She questions as I cover her eyes to show her in the mirror.
"I already saw the outfit! I just put it on!"
"Yeah-but not in front of the mirror! It'll be different in front of-"
"Some people's views of themselves are distorted if they look in mirrors!" She protests and for the first time I roll my eyes and snap.
"Oh, quit making excuses and look at yourself!" I spat and she laughs as I uncover her eyes.
"Alright, alright! I'll-" she pauses suddenly, awestruck at her reflection. I chuckle slightly as she stares at the dress.

 I chuckle slightly as she stares at the dress

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"I... I like it. Especially the boots and the ring." She says with a bright smile on her face. I hug her from behind.
"I told you you would like it!" I say as one of her hands grabs one of my arms and squeezes it as a thank you.
"What time do we have to be there again?" She asks, as we both admire the outfit. I glance up at the clock on our wall.
"Mmmmmmm.... an hour maybe? It starts at four." I explain and she nods, also looking at the clock.
"Ok. We should go at 3:30 then." She says and I smile at her.
"Great! That gives me time to do my makeup. Want any?"
"No thanks! I'm not much of a makeup person." She mutters, continuing to look at the clock as I unwrap my hands from her neck.


We arrive and a lot of people are already here. I scan the crowd to see if I can find Ethan, but he doesn't seem to be here yet. I spy Evie and wave to her. She runs over and hugs us both.
"Hey! Are you two having fun??"
"Don't know. We just got here!" Peggy says and Evie laughs. We talk for a little while as guests continue to pile in.


As we're all chatting, laughing, dancing and just having a good time, Audrey stands on a rock and clinks her glass cup with a spoon to gain everyone's attention.

"Hello everyone! Thank you all for coming! I just have a small announcement to make... Shadow, can you up here?" I blink. She wants me to come up there? Ok. Sure.

I walk up to the rock and she smiles down at me.
"I just wanted to say I'm sorry for the way I've been treating you... I really misjudged you and-" That's when it happens...

She pours the red punch onto my head. There are gasps and Peggy shouts something that I can't understand. All I can hear and see is Audrey. She smirks down at me.
"Oh, were you expecting me to actually congratulate a MONSTER like you?" She questions in a conceding tone. She looks at the crowd and looks extremely smug. It goes quiet, before someone begins to laugh... and soon others join. I suddenly become aware of what she is saying: yes. She's right. I am a monster... but I can't help that. Despite this, my hands shake as I keep them folded on the rock and I suddenly become extremely aware of my tail and horns. I let out a sniffle and Audrey looks at down at me with a frown.
"Oh! Poor VK, thinking she can fit it. Ha! We all know what your parents did!"

It was an accident.

"You think that you aren't a monster with those horns and a tail? You seriously thought you could fit in with those??"

I can't choose what I inherit from my parents.

"Face it, Shadow. You will never find love." Audrey whispers to me.. and that's the final straw. I glare up at her as tears continue to glisten in my eyes.
"AT LEAST I HAVE SOMEONE WHO LOVES ME!!!" I shout at her and as she gasps offended, I run.

As I run, the tears finally fall from my eyes. I'm a mess... covered in red punch, my dress, my hair and makeup are ruined... but I really don't care. At this point... I just don't care.

As I'm thinking about what to do, I nearly trip on a stump and someone catches me.
"Hey, Shadow!" I look up to see Ethan and I sniffle, trying to wipe my tears as he stands me up.
"Are you ok?" He asks concerned, looking at my messed up face. I don't answer him, just take off my shoes, shake my head and continue to run back to the dorms... where I lie on my bed and begin to cry some more.

Author's Notes

I was originally going to have Peggy just stare at Shadow and compliment her. Not saying that she couldn't, but I swore I made her lesbian, but the notes I have with her bio tell me I didn't (I made her straight) so... yeah. Sorry folks. Past me wasn't thinking about what future me would write XD

ANYWAY, yeah. Audrey sucks. I'm sorry, but she shouldn't have been forgiven at the end of D3. She tried to harm people-SHE TURNED EVERYONE INTO STONE-

*ahem* I digress. (But I hope you feel like punching her in the face or something because if you do, I did my job!)

Thanks for reading!

One more chapter to go before the finale!!!


P.S. Since Descendants and Ever After High songs weren't helping me to get these chapters done... I switched to Set It Off. Yeah. Weird tonal shift I know! But it's working!

 Weird tonal shift I know! But it's working!

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My Little Monster ☾𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐒☽Where stories live. Discover now