Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

Beneath the blanket, Cal pulled out his iPhone and quietly began texting Guy. He knew it was risky, but without anyone else to trust in the whole town, he felt like maybe Guy could help him out.

Look up Coach Walker's address & meet us there in 1 hr

Cal looked up at Kelly and smiled. He then typed a short message into a notes program:

We're going 2 b ok.


Guy's cell phone vibrated across his desk, alerting him to the arrival of a message. It was Cal.

Guy was overjoyed at the fact that Cal and Kelly seemed to be alive and OK. But meeting them anywhere in an hour was impossible with press time nearing. He typed off a quick text to Cal and shut his phone.

His anger had been replaced by relief and joy. Then his mind went to thinking about what this story that was rocking Statenville was really all about. Drugs? Power? Money? Revenge? He hoped Cal had some answers. If Guy was going to leave, he wanted to do it big, just like he had in Salt Lake City when he revealed the bribery of Olympic Committee members that secured the Winter Games for the city. Nothing like lighting a powder keg and walking away.

Guy had already begun plotting how he would do it this time. All he needed were Cal's notes.

His desk phone rang. He knew what it meant: time to start press checking the special insert section. He left his office without answering the phone.


With almost every news staff member buried in their work and all the rest of the paper's marketing, sales and circulation personnel gone for the day, Sammy figured nobody would notice him sneaking into the boss's office. He was right.

Sammy looked through Guy's recent calls list and saw nothing. Then he switched to the list of text messages, opening Cal's most recent one at the top. He closed the phone and headed to the break room.

Mr. Gold would not be happy about this, but at least all his problems were gathering in one place.

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