A little bit more

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I miss u alittle more
Each day
I need u alittle more every time
And I wonder how
I'd manage without

U became such an
Important part of
My life
That not having
Seeing u
Talking to u
Or even just
A simple text
From u
Made my days alittle
Bit more darker

How could u
Lie to me??
Why did u play
Me for a fool
Like that??
Tell me are
U happier now
Now that u
Have made me
Doubt myself??

Damnit can't u
Understand that u
Left me wounded
Can't u see all the
damage u have caused

Did u have to
Make me loose
my cool??
Did u have to
Leave me feeling numb?
How do u feel??
Don't u feel ashamed
Even just a little bit??

Don't u think
I deserved better??
I had built a wall
So why'd u have
To go and break through
Just to put up a higher one

And every day I
Wish you'd call
Or just a simple text
Saying u miss me
Even if it's just
Alittle bit

And I seem to
Hate u less and less everyday
Just to love u alittle
Bit more than I used to


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