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     a small weight had settled on Athenas shoulders. Her whole life she'd been a liar , whether it be tiny fibs or covering up her mess of a Family , and she was damn good at it. A rather annoying habit later in life became her small tendency to lie without meaning to. When telling a simple story they occasionally slipped out. Months after revealing her family history to Harry Potter , Athena realized she had somehow left another crucial detail out of her story. Of course she hadn't intended to , she had told her usual story of her father working for the ministry. This wasn't exactly a lie per say , but it wasn't exactly the truth either. 

She should have told him right away , she should  have apologized and explained how this occasionally happened with her, but she didn't . this was her mistake. though she wouldn't realize it for months to come. 

and though the ever growing weight in her chest , she simply brushed her hair back , and studied for her OWLs. Almost everyday after classes she would head to the library with her two Ravenclaw friends , and occasionally Hermione, where they would study in a comfortable silence. What was usually a giggly and mumbled session had turn silent , as the girls realized they ran short on time to study. 

even outside of the library , Athena found most of her time taken up by her studies. Though it was supposed to be prohibited after the DA was out down , the girl often  spent her weekend afternoons in the room of requirement. it had designed a small study space for her , fitted with comfortable chairs and a fireplace which Athena chose not to question the logic of. 

Harry was slightly concerned at this , he barley spoke with the girl who seemed to slowly be loosing herself in her studies and he was unsure what to do about it. He tried to pick up cheery conversations with the girl , which she usually engaged in, but they often died out rather quickly.  He was also concerned at the fact that he felt like he was slowly loosing his mind. He rarely slept a wink at night and during the day he had to peel his eyes open. The more tired he grew , the more he oddly began to miss his late night talks with the same study obsessed girl. 

Though often these "talks" were her quietly crying or mumbling quiet words he couldn't understand even in the silent castle. He began to miss the girls warm embrace. Though admitting this made his cheeks flush awkwardly. He stood half a head taller than the girl , and after she became used to her initial embarrassment while crying around him she began to accept his hugs. 

of course she would never tell him this as he'd rub it in her face to no end no doubt.  


Athena was very exhausted , her mind was constantly on her OWLs as she sadly cared way more about school then she'd ever let on to her peers. Her image around school was getting better, though was still pretty harsh. They only knew the worst sides of Athena , her track record of fighting , her loud arguments heard throughout the hallways , her icy cold glares. Though through the DA members , and the trio themselves , some people had begun to realize that she wasn't all evil.

Of course none of this mattered to the quick tempered girl , at least this is what she told herself when insecurity crept into her mind late at night. Though still insecure in herself , the girl was quite proud of herself for one thing. She had made herself another new friend.

Luna "Loony" Lovegood and Athena "Thena" Malkin were an odd pair. They got strange looks as they travelled halls together , appearing as more of a mass hallucination of the student body than the truth. Luna was a dazed girl who most people thought insane, Athena a girl who most feared for her bloody knuckles and frozen eyes. The two had scarce interacted before the DA was formed , and even while it was active , but after the disbandment and Umbridge's appointment as headmistress, Athena had been fuming through the halls. Going on a rant to anyone who would listen, and Luna did. 

Luna seemed equally as upset as Athena gaining respect from the dark haired Slytheirn, and as the two began to speak more they finally began to call one another friends. 


It was late one night , as dinner ran its course , Harry had wandered out of the hall. Athena hadn't been seated at her normal spot and Harry had a question about an answer on one of their shared homework assignments. He let his feet trace around the castle , entering all of Athenas hideouts that he could remember , even asking a random Slytherin if he had seen the grumpy girl, earning only a scoff in response. 

The girl was of course in one of these hideouts that Harry had forgotten , but he didn't know this as he had of course , forgotten. So as he slowly became frustrated with the lack of the girls presence , he found himself running into none other than Cho Chang. Though he at first scoffed and blew past the girl she quickly grabbed his sleeve and pulled him back. She asked for five minutes to explain and he begrudgingly let the girl talk. He felt his anger slowly fade as she explained that she was tricked and it was truly not her fault that the DA was compromised. 

In their conversation which ended up close to fifteen minutes , Athena had wandered into their area. Just in time to see Cho Chang pull Harry Potter into a kiss. 

and though a knot formed between his brows he kissed her back. 

and For some insanely stupid reason , Athena Malkin felt her heart drop to her ankles. 

As her fight or flight reflexes kicked in, Athena felt adrenaline pump through her ice cold veins, as she easily made her presence known as she stomped away from the pair. 

Harry's eyes pulled open immediately and shot towards the direction of the angry girl. Just in-time to see her pull the first recognizable male face she saw into a kiss of her own. 

Which so happened  to be Draco Malfoy 

a/n: this is in no way set to antagonize Cho as a character ( also can we talk about her racist ass name uGh ) anyways its just simply for plot for the story , Harry is a confused bOy , he isn't sure how he feels about Athena and just tries to sti...

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a/n: this is in no way set to antagonize Cho as a character ( also can we talk about her racist ass name uGh ) anyways its just simply for plot for the story , Harry is a confused bOy , he isn't sure how he feels about Athena and just tries to stick with what he knows he feels with Cho. So don't hate on cho okay she's a sad gorl . ( the gorl meme is dead I apolOgIze sksjsaklkjs ) 

a/n/an : also also I'm not great at romance ish so all kissing bits in this book ( yes there will be more , I kNow cRAzY rIGht) will probably be cringey and lame soRrY I'm just a young girly :((((((( , anyways kinda like this chap I guess , hope y'all do too. 

a/n/a/n/a/n : also also also we hit 3k !!!! yay !! 

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