Reapers POV.
I crouched in front of a bush ready to pounce on my prey. I waited for just the right moment for the small animal to move or show it's vulnerable. Suddenly I was tackled the force was so great both me and the culprit went tumbling down the hill. When we finally stopped I landed on my back in a green grassy area, while my attacker landed on top of me. They sat up letting the sun that broke through the leaves illuminate their white fur, and I was met with the face of my long time friend Geno who was smirking.
It is currently spring the perfect time for hunting since everyone is getting ready for mating. The trees were starting to gain leaves, all the animals are waking up from hibernation, and the grass is green. It is warm with a nice breeze passing by every once in a while, and here I laid in the middle of all of this with Geno pinning me to the ground.
"I got ya, bet you weren't expecting that huh?" Geno exclaims as he gets off of me. Geno has always wanted to prove to me that he wasn't helpless despite his handicaps. I mean being half blind and having a giant slash wound does have its disadvantages, and I can't think of anything advantages.
"Alright you got me this time, I thought you would be preparing to mate honestly" I say getting up, Geno is a rare type of wolf a male Omega, and he already has a mate. I, on the other hand, have yet to find a mate I know who I want, but they're already taken and have been for a while now I just don't know why I keep chasing him.
"Nah, oh I just realized I scared away your food, I'll help you hunt!" Geno says excitedly. Geno is very energetic when he's alone with me, mainly because his mate doesn't let him out very often. Geno is a skeleton wolf with white fur covering his rib area, and his pelvic area along with his paws, his ears were also white, but had scrapes and bruises, while his tail was fluffy and the only part of him untouched. His right eye was also covered in white pixel blobs.
"You don't have to, Geno" I say, trying not to upset him with my decline. I'm Reaper, I'm an alpha not just any alpha, the alpha, I'm the leader of the pack. I am also a skeleton wolf, much like Geno my fur covers my rib area, pelvic area, and paws, unlike Geno my fur, ears, and tail are black, while my bones are white, I also don't have any major wounds.
Geno started looking around as his ears started twitching in different directions then he got in a pouncing position. I looked away as I felt my face heat up 'calm down he's not yours' I let my ears drop at the truth, once my blush had subsided. Then Geno pounced earning a cry from the defenseless animal he pounced on. When he came out of the bush he had a rabbit by the scruff of it's neck in his mouth "Why didn't you kill it?" I ask then take it from him.
As I took the rabbits neck in my mouth I noticed Geno blush "Well it's your prey, so I thought you'd like the satisfaction of killing it yourself" he says, I give out a muffled 'thank you'.
"There you are Geno, what are you doing, you know you aren't supposed to leave the den" an all to familiar and annoying voice says we both turn to see another skeleton wolf, his fur covered the same spots but his fur was a light purple color. It was Geno's mate, Lust.
"I was just helping Reaper hunt, I scared off his prey" Geno explains
"Are you an alpha?" lust asks
"N-no" Geno begrudgingly answers
"Are you a beta?"
"No" Geno's ears fell as he looked at the ground
"No, you're an Omega you stay with the pack and take care of the Cubs now stop bothering Death claw and get back to the den" with that Lust turned and started walking away
"Bye Reaper" Geno says as he walked to follow Lust. I felt anger build up in me as I sink my teeth into the rabbits neck, killing it with little struggle.

Afterdeath one shots
Fanfictionsmut yes If you have a smut request I'll do it. They are both MALE. I will NOT make one female. If you don't like it sorry this isn't the place for you. Credit for characters go to their rightful owners