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It was the next day and now time for lunch; after grabbing our trays and meals Issac and I sat down at our usual table. It wasn't long before Virgil/Veronica sat down with us, they had no lunch, just their backpack, and the usual get-up.

"Do you want me to buy you lunch?" I offered. "Not that the food is super great." I grimaced at the strange-looking hamburger on my plate.

"No. I am fine." She shifted around uncomfortably.

"Alright you said we would get answers, now please give us answers." Issac wriggled with excitement in his seat. I rolled my eyes, Issac always needed to hear the juiciest secrets from everyone.

Veronica sighed."That's the thing, I can't. believe me, I wanted to give you answers you guys seem nice and think I could trust you. But my higher-ups and I had a meeting and we believe you shouldn't know, for now. Maybe in time. But not now." She looked very sullen as she said this.

"What! ugh." Me and Issac said in unison.

"I'm sorry, but for now you are just going to have to stay out of my way and maybe someday when I fully trust in you and my higher-ups do too." She gave us one of those death glares again, and with that, she grabbed her backpack and walked out of the cafeteria.

"Well, that was a waste of time. We got nothing out of that! It went about as bad as it could." Issac pouted and grumbled in his seat.

"Not true. She could have told us we would have to be killed." I pointed out.

"You know what I mean."

I looked at him in the eyes and lowered my voice."No, I'm dead serious. Didn't you hear when she said, higher-ups? That means she is working for someone. We actually could have been killed if we had found out too much."

Issac for once, was not loud, followed my lead and whispered."So you mean she is in a gang? If you haven't noticed dude, we don't exactly live in the greatest city in terms of the crime rate."

This was true, I used to live in a small town with an almost 0% crime rate, but we had to move to the city for my parent's jobs. Issac and I do live in the nicer parts of the neighborhood but crime is still not uncommon.

I shook my head. "No, not a gang. What kind of lowly street gang would have access to the technology she had, and a quad-copter?"

"None of them. Not even Altrax." Affirmed Issac. Altrax was the name of the most powerful gang in the county, maybe even in the state. They had tried to recruit Issac a couple of times because he knew almost everything about everyone, but he had refused them every time. "So what are you saying that she is doing?"

"I'm saying that she probably works for some secret organization and one that has a lot of money too."

"Ok, so what can we do about that? Are we going to just sit here with the mystery meat burgers? Or are we going to figure this all out? I for one would love to solve a mystery and possibly expose a secret organization." I sighed and facepalmed. Issac was always ready to dig up the next piece of dirt about someone.

"No idiot, we would be killed," I told him that, but I honestly wanted to figure out all of this. "besides how would we do it?"

"Well, I am going to naturally assume that working for whoever she works for is like a job where she has to go into work every day. So at the end of school, we'll go up to her, try and make conversation. Make sure that she thinks that there are no hard feelings between us. Get as much as we can out of her. Then when we are done talking, make sure she sees us leave school by vehicle, that's more believable than if we walk. Then once she has walked far enough away have our driver catch up with her and then drop us off close enough we can keep an eye on her but far enough away so she doesn't notice us. Then we keep that distance between us until we find out where goes after school each day." Even though I knew that is how it was always done in books and movies, at the time it seemed like a very good plan.

"Ok, so should we do this tomorrow, or like next week... or next month?" As much as I wanted to do this I was still scared of the idea of a black hoodie-wearing mafia coming for my head.

"No! She could be gone tomorrow, off to another school to her boss's work or whatever. We have to do this today."

"But who will be our driver? My parents can't, they are both at work until 5:00."

"I'll call Decklin. I believe he is free today." Issac took out his phone and called him. Decklin is Issac's older brother, but knowing he was going to be driving made me feel more scared than I all ready was. "Ok, we have our driver." Issac declared hanging up.

"Great." I mumbled. It was at this moment I realized how silly all of this seamed, I mean who would hire a high schooler for a job like Veronica has? It all seemed just a tad bit far fetched. I started to doubt whether anything had happened at all yesterday. I looked at Issac who was still rambling on about this plan of his. No turning back now that Issac had said we were doing this.

I was doubtful, scared, nervous, excited, and so not ready to do this.  


A/N: Hi guys sorry to all of the 3 people who read this that this chapter took so long! I was busy with school, family obligations, summer plans, and just lost the motivation to write in general. But I'm back now I have more time on my hands then when I started this story and I have a lot of motivation. I'll try and update regularly. I am aiming for once a week but it is probably going to be more like once every two weeks. Anyways I am sorry I hope I can still make this story work. Cheers!  <3 ~ LowFatYogurt914

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