At First Bite

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The sun crept higher in the sky and through the open window of a bedroom stirring the person from their slumber. The person groaned and poked their head out from under the covers to reveal a 13 year-old boy with spiky blonde hair and blue eyes. His name was Naruto Namikaze.

"You're evil." Naruto hissed as he glared at the sun. Naruto groaned and got out of bed, got dressed and went downstairs. He poured himself a bowl of cereal and ate. He glanced at the calendar.

October 3 was circled in red and written in the circle was - 'Leave for 2 week family vacation at ocean resort'

October 4 'Today'

October 10 was circled in a red cloud and written in the cloud was – 'Yuki's and Yuka's 13th Birthday!'

Naruto sighed as he pondered how the hell Minato and Kushina, his parents, forgot to take him on the trip and that they had triplets not twins. Unfortunately, this not the first time he was forgotten. He hasn't been included in any family activities since he was about 5. Sadly, he's used to it.

They also never started his training either. He did ask once when he was 7, but they said no because Yuki and Yuka need to learn how to use their bloodlines, the Uzumaki special chakra and Rinnegan, which he did not inherit. He has been training by himself, with some help from the people who do care.

Naruto cleaned up and went to an empty training ground to do some training. After a few hours of training and increasing his weight seal he packed everything up and was about to leave when he sensed danger in the form of three stone ninja. Naruto dodged just in time to miss being impaled by multiple kunai.

"Not bad kid, but we're still gonna kill you Naruto Namikaze to get revenge on your father." smirked the stone ninja who clearly was the leader and a jonin.

Naruto gave a look of disbelief, "You know I'm related to Minato ... and my name?"

The stone nin looked confused, clearly they didn't expect this reaction, "Ummm yes? You're Naruto Namikaze, the oldest of Minato Namikaze's triplets"

"Finally, I was starting to think no one knew!" Naruto said happily.

"...yeah...whatever, prepare to die!" The stone ninjas charged. "Earth style: dragon bullets!"

Naruto removed his weight seal while dodging a barrage of boulders. He had to find someway to get help. Unfortunately, Naruto wasted all his energy during his training. At this point he can't even make a shadow clone. However, that doesn't mean that he's a push over. Two of Naruto's specialties are traps and poisons. Just as he was about to be stabbed he did a body switch with a poison powder bomb.


The deadly dust consumed one of the stone ninja quickly killing him, but the other two escaped and ran after Naruto.

The village was too far away and he didn't want to risk someone getting hurt so Naruto only had one chance to get help and that was to get to a nearby anbu patrol route. He knew where it was because his friend, Itachi Uchiha, told him just in case he needed help.

He was almost there when he sensed the stone ninja approaching. He took cover and set up a barbed wire trap and waited.

He saw his attackers come with in view and cut the trip wire. The stone ninja were wrapped up and sliced to ribbons.

"Yes, it worked." A relieved Naruto exclaimed. Slowly he left his hiding spot to look at his attackers bodies, but froze in his tracks.

There was only one body in his trap. Where was the jonin?

"Like I said kid, you're good, but it's time to die." Naruto slowly turned to face the jonin from stone, "Earth style: Stone spear!"

The stone spear went straight through Naruto's body entering just under his heart and exiting through the center of his back, smashing his spinal column.

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