Clan Chaos

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The hybrid sighed, "I don't know, but I intend to find out. I think it's time I gave them a much needed dose of reality, but let's see if they even notice Sakura improve, first. I'd like to see how they rationalize being ditched for another sensei if they do."


A message arrived and Shizune opened it to read it, "Oh my god, Lady Tsunade!" Shizune yelled as she burst into the hokage's office waking the blonde from her sleep.

Tsunade yawned, "What is it, Shizune?"

"Malady, there's an urgent request from Sakura- ..." A tick mark appeared on the annoyed assistant's head. "Were you using the paperwork as a pillow again?"

"Errrrrr ... noooo ..."

"No sake for you." said the ticked assistant as she took the bottle away.

"Wait, Shizune! Please don't, it was only a nap! I'll be good!" Shizune put the bottle down. "YAY! Thank you! ... now what's so urgent?"

"Sakura says that the mission you sent them on with Team 8 was actually an A rank mission. She's requesting backup." Shizune explained, handing over the message.

Tsunade frowned, "Why is she making this request and not a jonin? Send Naruto immediately."


At this point in the Land of Wave at Tazuna's house there were three people unconscious on the beds and five injured.

Minato felt like a fool for continuing this mission, but he thought the girls were strong enough to handle themselves. Yet here they were. Kushina, Yuki and Kurenai were unconscious and the only people who weren't too injured to move was himself and ... Sakura.

The blonde jonin watched as the pinkette and her nine shadow clones darted around the room treating each person calmly and professionally. He started feeling curious on where she learned medical ninjutsu and all these other skills. She was the only genin who properly defended herself in the fight and was still going strong. They refused to teach her so someone else must be training her, but who?

"Sakura ... where did you learn the shadow clone jutsu and medical ninjutsu?" asked Minato.

"From my sensei." She stated without glancing away from the injury on Shino's arm. "How's that feel, Shino?" She asked after channeling some chakra into the gash

The bug ninja nodded, "Much less painful. Thank you, Sakura."

Minato frowned at the lack of information he was given, "But who is your sensei?"

Sakura sighed, "Naruto is my sensei."

The jonin's eyes widened and he was actually about to yell at Sakura, but a knock on the door stopped him. The pinkette went to answer the door and Naruto came in, "What's the situation, Sakura?"

"Three unconscious and five awake, but with varying degrees of injuries. I treated most, Kushina lost her arm in the fight with Zabuza, here it is." She unsealed a cooler.

Naruto nodded and took the container after making three clones, "Come on, time for some in the field training." His clones went to assist Sakura's clones while the originals went to Kushina's bed side. Minato watched in fascination as Naruto swiftly and fluidly reattached the arm as Sakura assisted from the other side of the bed.

The blonde medic smiled at the healed limb, "Nice job. You're getting the hang of this Sakura and you did an excellent job treating the others ... now, what happened?"

Sakura sat down, "When we left on this mission we were expecting bandits, but then we ran into the Demon Brothers. They were taken care of easily by Sasuke and Yuka, but we discovered that the Demon Brothers were after Tazuna and that they weren't the only ones"

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