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Minato and Kushina exchanged glances. They thought it seemed weird that stone ninjas would go after the hokage's apprentice and not someone close to Minato, but they didn't think much of it. They were glad that no one they cared about got hurt.


4 years later – Jonin team assignments. All the jonin were gathered listening to Tsunade list off who will be on whose team to the jonin present.

" ... and Team 7 will be a four man team with Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, Yuki Namikaze and Yuka Namikaze." Minato and Kushina tensed, hoping they would get their 'entire' family as a team, "and their jonin senseis will be Minato and Kushina Namikaze."

Minato and Kushina were so excited that they had their 'family' as a team that they didn't really listen to Tsunade. "... Team 8 will be Shino Aburame, Hinata Hyuga, and Kiba Inuzuka and their will be Kurenai Yuhi ... Team 9 is still in rotation so we'll skip them ... Team 10 is Ino Yamanaka, Choji Akimichi and Shikamaru Nara and their jonin sensei is Asuma Sarutobi ... and last but not least Team 11, which will be a single man team consisting of my apprentice, Naruto Namikaze."

Minato and Kushina looked confused by Tsunade's words ...

"He will have title of Genin-sensei-"

They still looked confused ...

"-and will rotate from team to team."

Still confused ...

"Of course, even though, as most of you know-"

Still confused ...

"-he has demonstrated that he has excellent capabilities in teamwork-"

Still confused ...

"-it's only fair that he takes the second part of the Genin exam too and meet the mission requirements as a genin before advancing. So who will have Naruto on their team for the exam? A show of hands please!"

Many of jonin raised their hands, even Minato and Kushina, but more reflexively and not because they remembered. In fact, they were still very confused ...

"Then it's settled! Kurenai, you will have Naruto for the second part of the exam."

Still confused ...

"Alright! That's it, now get out! Shizune, the meetings done! Can I have some sake now?" The fourth hokage whined.

Everyone started filing out of the room except Kushina and Minato.

They were still confused ...

The two stood in that empty room for a couple minutes ... and then ...

DING! DING! DING! Finally! Something clicked and the confused looks turned to ones of shear horror that were riddled with guilt.


The next day Iruka and Mizuki were standing in front of the class telling everyone the teams they've been assigned to. The 'twins' gave an excited yell when they found out that were on the same team and with their parents.

"... and finally, Team 11 will be a single man team consisting of the first genin-sensei in a decade, Naruto Namikaze. Congrats, Naruto! That's a huge honor!" Iruka said. Yuki and Yuka both looked confused. They didn't know there was someone with their last name in their class and why did he seem familiar? They did remember eventually, though, much faster than their parents and looked just as guilty.

Naruto, who was now 6 feet 4 inches tall and had a lean but powerful build with rock solid muscles, and had his spiky hair standing almost straight up smiled and said, "Thanks! It means a lot-"

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