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I loved my schools outside patio for two reasons.

1. No one came out here except for the odd two that would randomly show up


2. It was outside. I loved outside.

More than I probably loved reading, before I was interrupted by the stench of cancer.

"I don't know if you're illiterate or something but there's a sign that says YOU. CANT. SMOKE. HE- Ace?"

My anger getting the best of me before I even looked up I started pulling words out my mouth coming face to face with no other than the god like specimen himself Ace.

"Princess" he smirked as he cooly watched me from his spot on the wall.

"Of course it's you" I say getting some type of foreign courage and closing my book and walking up to him.

"You seem excited. You miss me or something?" He smirked as he turned his face to the side and blew out the smoke as I stood in front of him.

"Maybe wanna like trash that or something?" I ask crossing my arms.

His head turned to me and his eyes instantly found mine.

He held them for awhile I guess trying to intimidate me but that wasn't going to work, I just stared back at him with as much determination as him.

My eyes absentmindedly started admiring his face. His messily but somehow fucking perfect hair, his beautiful dark green eyes, seemingly soft olive skin. He was beautiful.

I brought my eyes back up to look at his but they were no longer on my eyes but my-

I lifted my arms higher blocking any view of my chest he had, which just caused him to laugh.

"Chill princesa, I've seen better" he smirked watching me still blowing on that damn cancer stick

At least he had the decency not to blow straight in my face.

But he's dumb because it's still gathering in the freaking wind

"I- ok? Way to bring my self esteem higher, That's not even relevant but whatever" I stammer out literally embarrassed by his way of assuring me my boobs aren't all that.

He just watches me still with that god awful smirk.

"Ace? The cancer stick, can you please squash it? Or just like find some place where it's not prohibited" I nod towards the sign of 'no smoking'

"Sure, Babe" he smirks and drops the cigarette and steps on it.

"Thank you" I smile and walk back to the bench I was reading on.

Not even 2 seconds later he's in front of me on the other bench with his feet propped up on the one I'm sitting on.

I watch him, but he doesn't notice because his heads leaned back as he soaks in the sun I assume.

Ignoring the company and getting back to my book I feel relaxed, but somewhat on edge because of the close proximity Ace and I are in.

"Who's that guy you're always with, he your boyfriend ? Ugly looking one" aces deep voice rumbled as I semi jerked up.

I stared at him questioningly


"Who?" I asked.

"The football kid" he shrugged running a hand through his perfect messy hair.

"Alec?" He nodded. "First of all he is not ugly and second none of your business" I told him before looking down at my book

"Mhm, what are you reading?" He asked.

"A book" I stated.

He rolled his eyes and plopped his big feet on the ground. "Haha, funny"

"I know I should probably be a comedian or something?" I faked smiled at him.

"You're feisty today. And talkative" he smirked now watching me intently

Felling his eyes I looked at him and nodded. "When I want to be" I agreed looking back at my book.

"I like that" he said.

For about two minutes we sat in silence. It was not comfortable nor awkward

"Where are your friends?"

"Damn Ace, where are your friends? Because other than Friday we've never talked this much. Are you bored?" I asked trying to dial down the attitude.

I feel like I'm pushing it a bit. Maybe I'm forgetting he is a gang leader.

"Bored? never. I like you much better than those guys." He smirked leaning closer.

I backed up and scooted on the bench with fake plaster of disgust.

When really I was fucking euphoric that he was talking to me right now.

He took me scooting over as a sign to sit beside me, plopping himself right next to me. Caging me in with the wall and his legs.

"I liked it better when you would just stalk me from a distance" I bluntly say turning to look at him only to be already looking at me.

"And I liked it better when I had you pinned against the wall moaning my name" slowly I felt him shifting closer.

I was loss for words at that moment. My body reacted to ace and goosebumps started to form and I swear my vagina gained a heartbeat.

He was moving closer as his hand started reaching for my hair and slowly moved it behind my ear tilting his head as his hand stayed on my cheek

My hand landing on the sleeve of his leather coat as my eyes fluttered.

The things i do just from being near him.

"You know, you're kinda good looking. Even with the Protestant clothes on" he smiled playing with my hair.

"W- thanks"I all but stutter

He just laughs. "One minute your feisty the next your soft. I think you're falling for me Angelina" he smirks

"I- I don't even know you. I don't even have any attraction li-" I begin my lies

"Uh huh? What if I wore to kiss you? You wouldn't like that huh? But you like my hand on your cheek? You like when kiss along your neck, when I touch you here" his hands meet my waist as his face is mere centre meters away from mine. "Do you?" His voice suddenly breathes into my ear as I absentmindedly nod.

"Ace I ca.."

"The way you say my name" he growls still breathing in my ear as his hand stays still on my waist.

The patio door suddenly open and a fit of laughs and giggles come tumbling out and before I know it Ace is up from his seat.

"See you later princess, the frog can't get caught" he whispers in my ear leaving a small kiss near my cheek.

Leaving me fucking paralyzed. I think I want him.

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