Chapter 1

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Fox's POV

Age: 5

It was a hot day in July like any other. It was gross outside, and gross inside. I didn't want to do anything.. But then, my daddy came home! He had been gone on an important mission, but after a couple weeks, he finally came back!

"Boy, is it hot today! How's about you and me play some "Team Starfox" together?"

Team Starfox was a game that me and him would play on days it got hot. You see, he's the founder of Starfox, a group of space fighters who fight off the bad guys! The object of the game is to "kill" your opponent with water guns and balloons.

"Yeaaaahhhhh!! Let's play!!"

After playing for about 2 1/2 hours, a big truck pulled up in front of the empty house next to ours, soon followed by a van, who pulled into the driveway. 3 people exited the van. A bluebird man, a bluebird woman, and a small bluebird boy. The man was scary.. He talked to someone in the truck and people started putting boxes in the house. The woman headed inside, while the boy stuck with the man.

"Looks like we're getting new neighbors, kid." My dad nudged me. "That boy looks about your age."

I look at the boy. He glanced at me, then turned quickly and tugged on the scary man's pants.

The scary man spoke. "What?"

The small boy pointed towards us. I hid behind my dad. My dad and the scary man approached the white picket fence separating our house's properties. My dad was the first to speak

"Well howdy! I'm James! James the fox!"

"My name is ---- Lombardi"  I was never able to remember his first name.. But his last name was something I'd never forget.

My dad spoke again, "And this-" he picks me up "-little soldier-" he put me on his shoulders "is my son." "Fox McCloud, reporting for duty!" I practically screamed saying that, and put my hand to my forehead. The man spoke again,

"And this is my son..." He waited for a reply. The boy said nothing. "C'mon, tell 'em your name." Still nothing. He quietly whispered, "Falco, kid, we've talked about this." Falco. His name is Falco. "H-Hi... My name is.. F-Falco..."

A/N So this is my first chapter of my first fanfic ever! I'm so excited! Also, please be sure to give me any feedback, so I can advance as a potential writer! Thank you!

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