Dave's POV
A day later...............
Yesterday was a very gloomy day. All rain and thunder. But today everything has dried up surprisingly fast.
Everest- Hey so now that everything is dry will you explore the forest with me?
Dave- Sure
We were walking together. Everest is a grey wolf. She had those green-ish eyes. Her fur was very grey. Her's was more slicked back then mine. Mine was really messy all the way.
Everest- Look at this place!
Dave- Yeah nature is beautiful
She smiled
Everest- Wish I lived here
Dave- Why?
Everest- This place is so much more peaceful from where we live right now
Dave- Your right
Everest- So much greener it's relaxing
I looked over at her
Dave- You really like nature don't you?
Everest- What made it so obvious?
Dave- Well, you have so much interest for this place .
Everest- Yep. Everything is so pretty and earthy
Dave- Yes it is
Unlike most of the wolves I've talked to Everest is interesting to be around. Im starting to like her both ways.
Everest- Look at all these flowers!
She joyfully ran over to them when she stopped dead in her tracks.
Everest- We should head back Dave!
Dave- Why?
Everest- I see humans is why!
Dave- Ok lets go back and we should hurry
She nodded. We both ran back. We had finally made it back. I layed up against a tree planting.
Dave- We out ran them
Everest- Yes
Dave- Even though we had to leave did you enjoy your trip?
Everest- Yes!
I smiled
Everest- Yeah maybe another day we can go back?
Dave- Definitely
Soon don't remember what happened I just fell asleep i think Everest did too. I woke up with her sleeping right next to me. I blushed but moved slowly as i got up. Good she didn't get woken up. I watched her sleep for a bit. She is cute when she sleeps. I found myself blushing. I'm unsure of these feelings and there quite werid. I soon saw her moving so I looked away. This was gonna be so awkardly once she woke up.
To be continued........................
Life Of A Loner
RandomI made the first version of this story when I was in like 5th grade. I decied to re-make it into something better because my writing skills were bad back then. This is a story about wolves by the way. The main character is named Everest this wolf is...