Chapter 3

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Slade knew the person he was holding captive was a woman. While he couldn't see her face, the softness of her curves against his hard planes was a dead giveaway.

He'd been outside, preferring the darkness to the light. Feeling more comfortable and at ease in the shadows, he'd spent the past hour going through his martial arts routines, needing to exhaust himself physically before he attempted to sleep. He knew what awaited him but at least if he was tired enough, he wouldn't lie awake tossing and turning for hours. The sense of freedom he felt at being able to move unrestricted, slowly and rhythmically performing the exercises was relaxing. It was the only time he could afford to shut his mind down completely and just allow himself to feel.

His peace, however, had been shattered when he'd heard someone walking toward him. He'd known that it wasn't Oliver or Felicity because he'd left them inside the house, aware of need for privacy. He acknowledged that there was a paranoid side to him, one that had been heightened by his imprisonment. He supposed that living with the reality that death could come at any moment, at the hand of any person, had a way of making him wary of all strangers.

When he'd heard the presence of someone he was unfamiliar with, instinct had taken over. He'd pulled the mask that had served as a make-shift beanie down over his face and set out to pursue his perceived pursuer. Now, holding the woman close to him, his gut told him that she wasn't a threat.

His grip on her loosening, he was about to let her go when a knee connected with his groin. He inhaled sharply before a load moan issued from the back of his throat, pain exploding between his legs.

"Christ!" he groaned as he tried to hold himself upright.

"Stay away from me!" came the shrill voice of the woman who'd just maimed him.

Before he could reply, he felt a surprisingly firm fist connect with his jaw followed by a swift kick to his midsection. Not knowing if he was amused or annoyed, he hissed, "Calm down, woman!"

He tried to reach out to grab her as she ran past him, but his hand missed her leg by inches. When he'd managed to get back onto his feet, she'd already rounded the corner of the house, heading toward the front door. He pulled the mask off his face and set off after her.

Finally entering the light, he saw the woman pounding on the door hysterically. Her hair was a warm chestnut brown that bounced across her back and over her shoulders as she slapped her palms against the entrance. When she looked around and saw him coming toward her, the bashing grew louder as she shouted, "Ollie!"

Laurel Lance?

The front door opened and Laurel almost fell through it. Oliver was standing there gaping at her.

"Are you alright?" he asked, concerned.

She shook her head frantically. "There's a man," she pointed outside, "with a mask. He attacked me!"

Immediately on high alert, Oliver shoved her further inside and stalked out. From where she was standing, she heard, "Slade? What the hell-"

"She kicked me in the nuts!" came the reply before he said something else that she couldn't decipher. "I thought she was an intruder."

The two men came into view, her attacker limping slightly. His rather distinct accent made it clear that he originated from Down Under. In the light of the foyer, she could see that he was tall and solidly built. Wearing long black cargo pants and a black zip up hoodie, he looked huge – and threatening. If the scowl on his face was any indication, he wasn't very pleased by her actions.

The thought made her stand up straighter.

There were fine cuts and bruises all over her assailant's tan coloured features, most of which seemed to be healing already. His forehead was high, his nose large, but perfectly proportioned in relation to the rest of his face. His jaw was strong and angular with a spattering of day old stubble covering the lower half, the hair on his head straight and naturally spiky. If she hadn't been so intimidated by his size and suspicious of his intentions, she might actually have found him somewhat attractive – in a rough, dangerous and broody sort of way.

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