Chapter 8

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A/N: Australian Slang:

Brekkie: Breakfast

Make a Quid: Earn a living

Moolah: Money

On Monday morning Laurel was drawn out of her room by the enticing aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Getting ready for work, she followed the smell dressed in black slacks and a rich, cream coloured shirt. Her black stiletto pumps clicked against the wooden floor as she poked her head into the kitchen, her hands fixing her pearl studs to her ears.

"What's going on?" she asked curiously as she spied Slade pouring the steaming black liquid into two mugs.

He turned toward her, a relaxed smile on his face as his eyes swept slowly over her form. By the time his gaze met hers, Laurel was feeling more than a little hot under the collar. He'd shaved and she itched to run a hand over his smooth jaw.

"You look beautiful," he said softly.

A little flustered by the way he was looking at her, she walked up to him and mumbled an embarrassed, "thanks" as she peered over his shoulder.

At close range she could smell him, a mixture of soap, shaving cream and a unique manly scent she'd come to attribute only to him. Even in heels, he was still taller than her. Sensing his intense gaze fixed upon her, she kept her eyes on the counter where she could see that he'd prepared breakfast.

"You didn't have to do any of this," she said, charmed despite her words.

Chancing a glance at him she noted his sheepish expression.

"I know it's not a grand brekkie and you could probably do better, but I thought I'd save you some time."

Laurel knew he was a proud man who very rarely conceded any ground to anyone. The fact that he'd done for her what she'd mostly been doing for him, struck her as profound. As promised, he was trying to make their living arrangement work and she couldn't help the surge of pleasure that coursed through her at his thoughtfulness.

She needed to be more circumspect. If all went according to plan, in a few short days he could be heading back to the other side of the world. If she wasn't careful, he'd leave with her heart.

She looked at the toast and scrambled eggs and smiled. "Thank you, it's perfect."

Sitting at the nook in the kitchen, they shared a meal for the first time.

"Why aren't you seeing anyone?" he asked suddenly, his fork halting midway to his mouth.

Laurel wasn't expecting the question and took a moment before responding.

"I was seeing Ollie's best friend, Tommy for a few years," she explained. "But things didn't work out and he ended up marrying Thea not too long ago."

He watched her intently. "Are you still in love with him?"

Laurel laughed, wiping her mouth with a napkin. "Goodness, no. We were childhood friends and I think I'll always care about him, but I'm not in love with him anymore."

He seemed to like her answer, if the small smile that played around the corners of his mouth was any indication.

"What about you?"

He looked at her with raised eyebrows. "You think I had time to date while being held captive?"

She rolled her eyes. "I mean before you left for the island." She tried to appear casual, stirring some sugar into her coffee. "Were you seeing anyone?"

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