Chapter 1:loneliness with out friendship or love

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Nightmare's pov
I looked out the window of my castle " what do you want raspberry" i said "theres still no luck and the star sanses arn't really helping they keep showing up where we are going " he said i sighed it's been a long time since that day happen but it's still fresh in my mind . That day would be forever with me cause thats the day (y/n) just left me it pissed me off that she left me alone but i could never find my self killing her cause I still did care for her "why must dream , ink and blueberry get in my way" i said as I looked back at raspberry he just shrugged i smirked " well they arn't going to stop me " i said but that did not stop me wanting to punish her for abandoning me.

*mean while*
(Y/n) pov
I started to set up my camp for the night when i heard something behind me I instantly hid behind a tree "dream why are we coming here anyways " one voice said my eyes widen as i peeked from behind the tree and saw three figures one had big paint brush on his back:

*mean while*(Y/n) povI started to set up my camp for the night when i heard something behind me  I instantly hid behind a tree "dream why are we coming here anyways " one voice said my eyes widen as i peeked from behind the tree and saw three figu...

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The other had blue bandana tied around his neck  and I noticed that he had stars in his eyes "yeah dream what so important that we had to come here" he said  but the last one I knew to well it was dream the brother of my best friend nightmare the ...

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The other had blue bandana tied around his neck and I noticed that he had stars in his eyes "yeah dream what so important that we had to come here" he said but the last one I knew to well it was dream the brother of my best friend nightmare the last i saw him he was turned to stone i was glad that he was ok now " ink , and blueberry you know exactly why we are here were looking for the one nightmare is looking for " he said ink and blueberry look at each other" yeah we know the girl named (y/n) but why do we keep coming here" the one known as ink said "i know she's still here " dream said " hey guys there is a human with (h/c) and (e/c) watching us" the one named blueberry said as he pointed at me both ink and dream look where he was pointing and at that moment i saw dreams pinpricks widen " (y/n)" he said running to me and hugging me " what happened to you all those years ago" he asked thats when i cringed " I-i don't want to talk about that right now dream "  i said it still hurt knowing that being forcefully taken by the other villagers caused what happened to dream and nightmare " don't worry you can tell us when your ready " he said to me i nodded "we should get her back to the doodle sphere dream " ink said to dream. I looked at dream confused "what is the doodle sphere" I asked " I'll explain when we get there " he said I nodded at him " I see you found her star sanses you saved us the trouble from having to search for her " said a glitchy voice .
Dream's pov
My pinpricks widen when i heard that voice " error you know we are not going to let you take her to nightmare" I said to him he came out off the shadows of the trees " yes i know but did you think that i didn't come with help to get her " he said to me thats when we got a surprise attack from horror, dust, and killer . That is when error took the chance to use his blue strings to grab (y/n) soul but when i saw it was half purple and half black (a/n: the picture   at the beginning is what your soul look likes) in all honesty i have never seen (y/n) soul until now . But before I could acted and save (y/n) her and error were already gone thorough a portal . I continued to fight off horror but thats when they decide to retreat they were able to get what they came for after all so they didn't need to stay anymore i sighed "well looks like we failed not letting nightmare getting (y/n)" I said to the other's they both nodded now we had to go rescue her from my brother before he hurts or kills her.
(Y/n) pov
I was thrown into a room " just stay here like you have any choose anyways and I will be back with nightmare" he said with his glitchy voice and he slammed the door shut and heard it lock behind him . I sigh as tears slowly go down my face now i got to see what became of my best friend But at this moment i had mixed feelings one side i was happy i was going to see him but on the other side i was sad to see what he had become " well there no need to be afraid (y/n) he's still my best friend " i said quietly to myself as I stood up . Then I started to look around the room i was in it was mostly black with a hint of purple here and there the bed had black and purple blankets and pillows i smiled he still knew my favorite colors . That was a really good sign that is when i heard the door open i turned around and my eyes widen what stood in front of me could only be nightmare but now he was covered in black goop with one glowing blue eye and tentacles on his back and then i noticed he had a smirk on his face aswell

 That was a really good sign that is when i heard the door open i turned around and my eyes widen what stood in front of me could only be  nightmare but now he was covered in black goop with one glowing blue eye and tentacles on his back and then ...

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That is when one of his tentacles shot of from behind him and grab me by the neck "well it's good to finally see the friend that abandon me in my time of need" he said anger laced in his voice i could barely breath from the tentacle around my neck . Thats when tears start to spill from my eyes faster"n-no n-nightmare I-i d-didn't " i choked out " then where were you (y/n)" he asked anger still laced in his voice his tentacle wrap around my neck let go " the villagers the night i left the tree jumped me and took to a secret cabin deep in the woods near sun village thats why i didn't come " I said hoping that he would believe me I looked at him "so you didn't abandon me but that still doesn't excuse you from the fact that you broke our promise you'll be locked in my castle and not allowed to leave" he said turning leaving out the rooms door locking it behind him i sighed and went to sit on the bed bringing my legs close to me and hugging i had basically lost my best friend cause of the stupid villagers "it's all there fault" I said . I brought out my phone and put on the song the lonely by christina perri i layed in my bed as the song as I drifted off into a nightmare.

To be continued.

A/n: ok heres chapter 1 i think i did pretty good with this one
Amber: author chan can't i be in the story
A/n:no amber this is a reader insert not a story of your tragic life
Amber:*pouts* fine.

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