Chapter 7:plan of rescue and rescue

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*2 months  later*

(Y/N) pov
It's been a few days since the star sanses took me away from nightmare's castle and I have yet to leave the room that they gave me and I hadn't made any attempts to talk to them, all I did was stay in the room silent only coming out of the room when it was time to eat .That is when the door to my 'room' , I then looked up to see dream holding a plate of food " hey (Y/n)" he said as he walked over to the bed setting the plate on the bed side table "I know your mad at me but you have to understand that I only did it to protect you " he said to her "I was just fine there with nightmare and he never tried to truly harm me dream " I said to him as I looked away "b-but (y/-" he started to say but I caught him off "no buts dream you have been trying to turn me against nightmare every time you come in here with food , now would please just LEAVE.ME.ALONE" I said as I yelled the last part . I looked at his now wide pinpricks "O-ok I'll let you calm down" he said as he quickly turned around and left the room .I then grabbed the food of the bed side table and started to eat the fold 'I hope nightmare Comes and save me' I thought as I continued to eat .
*mean while *
Nightmare's pov
I was sitting on my throne running through plans that I could possibly use to get (y/n) back from the star sanses .I could help about seeing her beautiful (e/c) and her (h/l) silky (h/c) That is when I was taking out of my thoughts my the door to my throne room opening .I then looked at up to see error walking in"what is it error " I asked him clearly not in the mood right now to be disturbed " how is thinking of a plan on saving your girl " he asked me  causing a blush to  to appear on my cheek bones " (y/n) isn't my girl 'yet'" I said saying the last part quitely  just so error wouldn't hear me  " yeah sure " he said to me "but no I haven't thought of anything cause we need to figure out how to get them away from there base just so we can go in and  get (y/n) back " I said to him and he nodded "you know  the easy way to do that is to distract them by attacking one of the Au's and they will have no choice but  to go there and save it " i said to him  . I couldn't help but perk up when he said that " that would be a better plan " I said as I got up from my throne " gather everyone now we need to discuss who will be going to get (y/n) with me  and who will be distracing the star sanses as we do so"I said to him . He then nodded and walked out of the throne room I then brought outt a old picture I had of me and (y/n) "don't worry (y/n) I'm coming to bring you backt o where you belong " I said as I put the picture back into my pocket before walking out of my throne room and heading to the meeting room to wait for the other's

*back with the star sanse's*

Dream's pov
I had my head in my hands " guys what am I going to do ink and blue she isn't listening to what I'm saying and she's being extremely stubborn " I said that is when I felt a hand on my shoulder " don't worry dream she will come around soon" blue said to him " but what if (y/n) doesn't come around blue and she tries to leave and go back to nightmare " I said taking my head out of my hands and looking at blue " well will just have to make sure that she can't get back to nightmare " ink said to me and I nod in agreement . That's when ink got up " well lets go to the doodle sphere real quickly to check if there is anything going wrong in any of the Au's" he said to me and I nodded as I got up as I watch ink make a portal to the doodle sphere before walking right through the portal " maybe if we just let her cool down she will actually listen to what i got to say " I said to them" you keep saying that but every time you bring it up with her she get's even more mad with you then she already is " ink said as he closed the portal behind blue after he walked through " yeah I know but I got to keep trying till she actually finally listens to me " I said as we walked over to the area that ink would watch over all of the Au's . We then started to look through the Au's until we saw something horrifying in front of our eye sockets , what they saw was fell, swapfell, horror and dust attacking blue's Au " we got to go now " ink said as he made a portal to underswap to stop them.

*mean while *

Nightmare pov
I stood in front of the star sanse's HQ with Error and cross right next to me " we should probably get in there before they realize that the attack was just a diversion " error said to me and I nodded in agreement as we all teleported into their HQ " now we just need to find out what room she is in right now " I said as I started to head up the stairs to start and search the rooms for (y/n) . That is when I could hear crying coming from one of the rooms "(y/n) " I said as I quickly speed towards the room the cries are coming from . Once i got to the room i bursted through the door to see her curled up in a ball " go away dre-" (y/n) said but cutting her self off mid sentence when she looked up to see it was me "n-nightmare " (y/n) said as she Got off the bed and ran over to me and tackling me into a hug and I couldn't help but smile at this " I'm so glad you are ok (y/n)" I said to her " I thought i never would see you again nightmare " (y/n) said to me " well you don't have to worry about never seeing me again and we should probably get out of here before the star sanse's get back " I said to her and she nodded in agreement. We then walked out of the room and headed for the stairs " see that you found her " cross said to me as he looked at me as I and (y/n) descended the stairs " you ready to go nightmare cause I'm sure that they will be back at any moment " error said to me " yes we are ready make the portal error" I said to error making him nod before he goes and makes the portal " are you ready to go home now (y/n) " I asked her " yes I'm ready to go home nightmare " she said as we walked through the portal and I couldn't help but be happy to have the one i love back with me after two months of us being a part.

(A/n): i know this chapter probably sucks but i did my best and I hope you all like it and thank you al, so much for the 58 votes and the 1k views I never thought that this story would be that popular with people especially since this is my first X reader I have ever done and I hope you all continue to enjoy the story as the chapters come out.

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