chapter 9:first date

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(Y/n) pov

I laid my head on the arm of the chair that I was sitting in waiting for nightmare to come in here. I then glanced at the clock and saw it had been about three hours since he started to chase after cross , that is when the door to the library slammed open and I looked over at the door to see nightmare "I finally caught him but he was such a pain to catch especially with the fact of how fast he is " he said as he walked over to me and sat in the chair right next to me " that's good but did you make him delete the picture or did you just break his phone " I asked him " I threw the phone on the ground breaking it " he said to me . I couldn't help but shake my head " you do realize that you owe him a ne phone since you broke his phone" I said to him , he then nodded at what I said to him " yeah I know (y/n)" he said to me as he got up from the chair "but I ill do that later cause right now I would love to just go on a date with my new girlfriend " he said to me sweetly causing me to blush and I nodded to him in agreement "are you sure you want to go on our first date today nightmare cause we still got to worry about the star sanse's cause I know for sure that they are still going to try and get you away from you " I asked him " yes I'm sure (y/n) and I will make sure the star sanse's won't get anywhere near you again " he said to me I nodded at him" so what are we going to be doing to do for our first date" I asked him. He then looked at me with a smirk on his face " well I was thinking we could either go into to the theater and watch a movie or we could go have a picnic" he said " could we go for a picnic and we could just do the movie for next time " I asked him "alright that sounds good to me do you want to help me pack the picnic basket or do you want to wait for me in the library while I do it " he asked me . I looked at him " I would rather help you with packing the picnic basket then just sitting around doing nothing " I said to him.

*time skip brought to you by coffee fueled blueberry*

me and nightmare walked into the clearing . I was carrying the blanket while nightmare carried the picnic basket " you know this is the best day of my life right now (y/n) " he said to me " oh really why do you say that" I asked him "well for one I got you as my girlfriend now and we are going on our first official date on the same day " he said to him . I then kissed him on the cheek " awww you are so sweet nightmare" I said to him as I laid the blanket down flat on the ground and sat down on the blanket "well only you are allowed to see me like this the others are not allowed to see me act like this " he said to her .I nodded it "alright I can understand that " I said to him as I watched him set down the picnic basket don on the blanket before he sat down facing me " have I ever told you how beautiful you are " he said to me as he opened to picnic basket grabbing out two sandwiches and handing me one " you really think so nightmare " I asked him "yes I really think so (y/n) do you really think that I would ever lie to you about that " he said to me as I shook my head no " I know you would never lie to me I just can't help but ask that cause no one has ever call me beautiful " I said to him as I took a bite out of the sandwich that nightmare had given me " well now you got me to tell you anytime you need me too " he said as he cupped my chin in his hand "I'm so happy to be with you now nightmare" I said to him . He then brought me closer to him and gave me a kiss on the lips before pulling away with a big grin on his face  " Yeah I know your happy with  me  (y/n)" he said to her  as he started to eat his sandwich as I also started to  munch on my sandwich . I looked at (y/n) as I continued to eat .

*time skip to after the picnic cause I ran out of ideas*

Nightmares pov

me and (y/n) walked back into the castle I was carrying the picnic basket while (y/n) while was carrying the blanket " I really enjoyed that nightmare " she said as she kissed me on the cheek"I'm glad that you enjoyed it (y/n)" I said to her as a blush started to appear on my cheek bones" but we still have a lot we can do for today (y/n) cause we could go and watch some movies till dinner time " I said as I looked at her " I wouldn't mind going to watch a movie with you alone because we don't really get the chance to spend time alone together" (y/n) said to me "alright lets go and watch some movies then how about e go watch (2ndfave/movie) or (3rdfavorite/movie)" I suggested to her as I started to lead her towards the movie theater room " could we watch (2nd/favorite movie ) nightmare " (y/n) asked and I nodded at her " yeah sure we can watch that movie (y/n)" I said to her . I then lead her inside of the movie theater room immediately heading for the seats we sat in the last time we were in her . once we sat down I immediately started (2nd fave/movie).

*2 hours after *

I looked over at (y/n) who had fallen asleep on my shoulder around half way through the movie " it looks like she will have to wait till she wakes up for her to eat dinner " I said as I carefully got up making sure not to wake her up before picking her up " better take her to her room so she can sleep comfortable " I said as I started to head to her room . once I got to her room I carefully opened her door making sure not to drop her in the process I then walked up to her bed and set her down very gently before kissing her on the head " get some rest my love I'll make sure to come and check on you to see if you are awake so I can take you to the dining room so you can eat dinner " I said as I quietly left the room closing the door behind me before heading towards the dining room.


(a/n): alright finally got this chapter finished and sorry if this chapter is so bad I was just typing the things that came to mind . but I can't help but say this is a cute chapter where the new couple gets to spend some time with each other after everything that happened.

Amber: come on when am I going to be put in here dang it

(a/n): for the last time amber you are not going to be in this story unless the readers want you in it

amber:*looks to the screen at the readers* please readers tell her to add me I want to be apart of it too*hugging a plus of cross*

(a/n): ok so if you guys want amber in the story please just say you do or not but again thank you for reading my story it means alot to me to know that people love it .

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