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Flowers was suppose to be growing in the ground, where the soil and nutrients it will provide.

Not inside my stomach that is filled with blood and organs on the inside.

I'll suddenly start vomitting.

Instead of foul liquid
it was replace
by Beautiful petals and red blood.

It hurts everytime I puke
I don't know why I was in this horrible state.

This continued for a few months, and good thing I had a friend

That I think every person will be glad to have.

During those few months
I notice why I was like this

I admit that those months was fun and hard that we've spent together.

But everytime we seperate our ways to go home.

I saw you...being happy with that one girl you always talk about or whatever...

I think I know why I am like this.
I think this is called love,
but the other person you love dosen't love you back.

So on and so forth I acted that my sickness was gone.

And seeing you two love birds was a little bit of crucial

But I think this is a reminder 
Of me,
that has not returned my feelings to the person I loved.

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