Chapter 7: Requiem

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Ragnar and Iris Get onto the long and Dark Road to search for Delphine and stay with her on the rest of their journey. But suddenly, they come across the Daedra that were following them all this time and were trying to hunt them down. And so, they battled against Ragnar and Iris before they could even go anywhere else to try and survive the Night. Ragnar defeats the rest of the Daedra and he tells Iris to run and find Delphine all by herself as he goes and kills the rest of them. He did not stop until every last one of them is dead and made sure that they could no longer walk the Earth.
Thinking that it was a good idea to stay behind and defeat all of those Daedra before you, Well played Ragnar. But this will be one of many times where you cannot believe that you survived the onslaught of Daedra. But know and understand this, the Onslaught for you against the Demons will grow ever stronger as they try to hunt you down. They will hunt you down and feed your soul to the deepest pits of Hell and make you their favorite pets for all eternity. But for now, rest easily, for even though you have Delphine on her side, know that she will not always be there for you. Farewell, for now.


"Ragnar!" Iris called his name. And as she sees him sleeping onto the giant Tree that was behind him, she puts her hands onto his shoulders and tries to wake him up. "Ragnar. Hey, Ragnar. Please, get up... Ragnar! Don't leave me here, not now! Ragnar!" She Shouted.
Ragnar slowly puts his hands onto her shoulders and he slowly gets himself up from the ground and then he speaks with her, saying, "Stop. Please... don't shake me. You'll just make the Wounds worse."
"Oh, Ragnar." Iris said.
Then she puts her arms around him and she hugs him, then Delphine walks over to him and she tells them that they must leave this place. They leave that forest and then Iris and Delphine help Ragnar walk forward for he was indeed tired from that battle with the Daedra. There, indeed, lay the last of those Daedra who hid themselves inside the mountains while there are others who took over the many Kingdoms of the Earth. Delphine then picks up Iris's Armor which fell from the last battle and she takes it with her and she finds a place for them to rest from that long and terrible Battle. They were all very tired and they needed a very long rest for a long while.
Ragnar and Iris rested themselves for a very long time after the battle that they had with the Daedra but there will be more of them out there. They were tired, sore, and Wounded, so they could not do anything else but sleep under the Moon and the starry night sky. But Delphine did not sleep, while they were sleeping, Delphine tended to their wounds for they were few on Iris but many on Ragnar. The Wounds on Ragnar were many and there were many scars but mostly on his arms and his legs. The Wounds on Iris were few and she also left scars but it was just a few on her left arm and nothing worse than Ragnar's Wounds.
And so, Delphine finishes putting bandages on Ragnar and Iris; she lets Ragnar and Iris sleep for a good while for truly, they needed it.
About two hours later after resting herself, Iris opens her eyes and she slowly began to get herself up. Then Delphine puts her hands onto her and she speaks with her, saying, "Easy... easy. Don't get up so quickly. How are you feeling?"
"I'm fine, I guess," Iris answered. "Suddenly, I... I feel much better. What did you do?"
Then Delphine pulls out a bag that was filled with what seemed to be powder but it was really medicine that she pulls out. "I used a bit of this." She said.
"Powder?" Iris asked.
"It's Medicine," Delphine said. "Made by the Elves. When you are in need of healing from a long battle or from an accident, you use a bit of this on you. They called it 'Elf Dust'. The Elves were an interesting race."
"Its True. Well, I guess not too many people know or believe in them these days. They used to exist. They existed long before the age of Man. Whether you believe in them or not doesn't matter, just that the powder is certified effective.
"I've escaped death even on the Battlefield thanks to that stuff. This is really rare for even us to handle."
"But something so valuable."
"Don't sweat it. It's a good deal if you think about it, one bag of medicine for a hundred dead Enemies."
Iris looks at the Elf dust and then she looks at Delphine, she did not know what else to say, so she looks down and she speaks with her again, saying, "Delphine?"
"Yes, What is it?" Delphine asked.
"I... I'm sorry. I... I failed him," Iris said. "I failed Ragnar and I failed you. It was because of me that we got separated. It was because of me that Ragnar has so many wounds.
           "I let him down. I let down the man that I followed. I... I'm sorry, but I... I should stay away from him... for his sake."
           "Iris, you did not fail anyone. You never have. Even if you don't believe him, you must trust him. He is your only hope for now. Has he been teaching you to kill?"
           "He has been teaching me to hunt and to survive."
           "Indeed. Even in these times, one must think before he acts. From now until the End of Days, they will hunt you down like prey from a Predator. You have shown your skill and have killed with your Sword. But, remember that you only kill in defense of yourself and never as an indulgence. For truly, there are consequences for killing in Cold Blood."
           "Delphine? How do you know this? Please, I want to know. What has led you to killing all of these Demons and why do you do it? What has made you despise everything against your enemies? Why are we even fighting these Demons?"
           "Why do you want to know that? Nobody ever told you this? Are you telling me, no one you know ever told you the truth?"
           "No. Nobody ever told me. Nobody ever said anything about it or even dare mention it."
           "Very well then. I will tell you, for I know how it all happened."
           Then, Delphine stood up and she looked at the Morning Sky before her and then she began to speak with Iris, saying, "I do not know why the Demons have come to this World in the first place. I always asked myself that and nobody has ever seemed to ask me. It all started in ages long past and it seemed that my people were the first to experience such things.

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