Chapter 1: The Ranger

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           The Path is indeed difficult for this Ebony Warrior and it will be difficult for the Ranger that she seeks. The Ranger has been either fighting his way against the Demons or perhaps he is seeking in this life. Over the thousand years that the Demons has not roamed this Earth, the people prospered and a new life began. A new age has come where the people were relieved that there were no more Demons roaming these Lands. But that time has passed and the Black Elder Dragon has returned and so the Daedra and the Demons roam the World once again.
           Tonight, the Ebony Warrior will rest from all of the walking that she has done and she will dream of the days when she was living peacefully. But unfortunately, she knew that she would never live out her days in peace until all of the Demons were destroyed. She knew that she would have to help out this Ranger and defeat the Daedric Lords that plagued this Earth and it's inhabitants. Rest easy my friend, for your purpose in this life was given to you and you will stop at nothing until you do that which you have promised yourself. Prepare yourself once more, Delphine, for the time has come to stand and fight against the creatures of the Night.


           His name is Ragnar of Midland. He is the Ranger and a Demon Hunter. And like the Ebony Warrior, he goes into the lands of the Earth and he fights his way against the Demons that roam this Earth. Like Delphine, he lived a tragic childhood and he was found and was also given a purpose in this life that he lived. For no more will he hide in the shadows and watch as the Demons devour more of his people and regret that he went the other way.
           Delphine gets herself up from the ground and she puts on her clothes and her Armor that she carried around. Her long blonde hair breezes along with the wind that blew heavily around her and it revolves as she looks around herself. Then, she puts on her cape and she wraps it around her back as she looks down to the ground and stares at the grass. She uses her Cape mostly because it protects her from being seen while hiding in the shadows and moving from place to place and also to cover herself as she sleeps. Then, she puts on her boots and she puts her gauntlets onto her arms as she is getting ready to move to another place.
            And finally, Delphine gets her Weapons and she puts it on her back, these Weapons were her Bow, her Arrows and her two-edged Sword. She called her blade the Crissagrim, She forged this Weapon mostly for killing even the strongest Demons that stood in her way. After wrapping her Weapons on her back, she begins to walk towards a cliff and she sees the Lands before her. The Moon was out and she sees all of the Lands that were before her in this moment at a time when the Demons were around. Then, she stares at the Moon that was before her as her long Blonde hair flowed with the wind that breezed before her.
           "Here they come, again," she said. "The Demons, the Hordes of Hell, the creatures of the Night. They have returned and they will not claim me today, for I shall hunt them down. There will be none left living to tell their stories, only songs of the most High will be sung."
           And so, Delphine walked away from the cliff and she started her way towards the Road that went Ever on and on. The Road goes ever on and on, down to the door where it began, now far ahead the Road has gone and Delphine must follow if she can. She started her way north and she continued to walk on this road that went on forever and she did nothing more than stare out to the World. The World felt empty and not so many people were out during this time when the Demons were in this World. And as the Demons were in this World, life was different and there was no peace in the hearts of the people.
           Then, Delphine began to feel something in her Soul that she could not so easily get out of her mind for it was revolving heavily around her. "They're here," She said. "But they would not live to see another day. Their death will not be a gentle one."
           A group of Demons began to rise from the ground and they began shriek as their bodies were standing onto the ground. The Sky was dark and the Moon began to be covered in blood as Delphine continued to walk on this long and Dark Road. The Demons began to surround her and they pulled out their Swords and their Axes and they pointed them at her. The Weapons of the Demons were razor sharp and they could slice even the strongest of any Armor you could imagine. Then, Delphine pulls out her Greatsword and she began to point her blade at them as they stare at her in this Night.
           Then, the Demons began to charge quickly towards her to cut her down as Delphine kept her distance as she wielded her Sword. Then, Delphine began to charge after them as she pointed her directly at them on this Dark and cold night. She then uses her Sword and she began to Kill all of those Demons that stood before her, they could not so easily block her attacks. She cuts off their heads, she cleaves them open, and she slices them in half all in brutal and violent manners. Blood splattered all over the place and lots of Gore began to stain the ground as Delphine continued to kill all of the Demons.
           Delphine was no ordinary Warrior to be killed by the Demons, for she has fought her way through almost her entire life. Her whole life was just her fighting her way and trying to survive the many Nights but none had ever tried to cut her down. And so, she continued on and she fought on to the Death against those creatures that would stand before her. Delphine has the body of a Human but the Soul and Spirit of a Devil for the Grim Reaper made her what she is now. She was very fast in skill and strength, her Sword was crafted to kill even the Strongest Demons that roamed in the depths of Hell.
           And so, the battle between Delphine and the Demons ended, there were no more who could stand against her. Then, the Moon was no longer covered in Blood and the Stars began to show in the Sky once again in this Night. Every time a Demon or even a Dozen Demons would be roaming around this land then the Moon would be covered in Blood. Then, Delphine began to walk on this long and Dark Road again as she continued to search for the Ranger. The Ranger was also awake during this time as the Demons roamed this Earth and he only focused on swinging his Sword.
           The Road was a long Road, a Dark Road that went Ever on and on and never seemed to end as the Lands were around this place. The Lands of the Earth used to be filled with all sorts of life and the Animals used to roam around the many plains of these Lands. That all changed, however, as the Demons began to roam this Earth and the Daedra ruled the Kingdoms of the Earth. The Kingdoms used to be ruled by, of course, Kings and Queens that ruled with a powerful hand and they fought against their enemies in times of War. But the Kings and Queens were no more as the Daedra overthrew them all and took the Kingdoms as their own.

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