Where it all began. Phanfic

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-----Dan's POV-----

It's 5 years today that I met my best friend. Ever since then my life has changed so much and I owe it all to Phil. 

I hear a knock on my door as i roll out of my bed and mumble "Come in.." Phil bursts in with a little grey box. "Now, I know we said we wouldn't get each other anything, but I just couldn't resist buying you this!" Phil says, taking a seat at the end of my bed, he hands me the present and looks up to me "I hope you like it." As I open the grey box I can see what is inside, it's the plain black t-shirt I saw in one of the shops last week, Phil must of gone back inside to buy it for me. "Phil!" I shout, pulling the t-shirt out of the box "You shouln't of!" Phil, who looked very pleased simply replied "Anything for you." Winked, then got up and left.

-----Phil's PVO-----

I'm so glad Dan liked the gift! I was worried it was too small of a gesture..."Be ready in 20 minutes Dan, we are going out for lunch!" I shout down the hall. I kow what Dan's like, he probably went back to sleep when I left. So after I found something to wear, I walked into the living room to see that Dan taking a gulp from the bottle of milk. "Hey! I told you not to do that!" I complain "Ohhh and nice shirt!" Dan was wearing the black top i just gave him. "Well about time Phil, its been thirty-five minutes!" Dan jokes as we grab our jackets and make our way to the lift.

-----Dan's PVO-----

I was wondering where Phil was taking us when 2 teenaged girls screamed my name. "Oh my gawd! It's Dan!" Said the blond girl. "And Phil!!" Squeaked the taller girl as they ran up to us. "Can we have a picture with you guys?" Asked the blonde girl. "Sure." I replied, I was used to all of this fuss now that I lived in London. After a couple of photos the taller girl said "Thank you! We love you!" and they both ran of. 

-----Phil's POV-----

After a lovely meal at our favourite restuarant, Dan and I headed back to our flat and turned on the TV. "I'm just going to put on my pj's. I'll be back in a bit" I told Dan, walking into my room. As I closed my door I pulled out my phone and dialed the most called number in my contacts.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Okaii! That was my first every Phanfic! Hope you liked it and sorry about the slow begging but I didn't know where to start! I will update it very soon! Please leave a comment and favourite it so I know you all want more! Okai, bye <3

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