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~~Jaebeom pulled up to the parking garage entrance that was under the building where Mykenna lived. He punched in the code and parked in her extra spot. He leaned back relieved he made it. “The things I do for your little ass.” He grumbled and saw he missed a text from her. He read it and closed his eyes. He was going to fix this; right now. He sent her a text and then looked at the parking garage as he walked toward the building.

She watched the snow fall. “It’s coming down much harder now right Sheba?” She looked at her Russian blue who was enthralled watching the white powder come down in large flakes. She gave a small smile. She still had her knees up by her chest and felt her phone buzz. She swallowed hard seeing JB’s name pop up.

[I]JB<3: Kitten, I will always worry about you. If your heart is silly then mine is a complete fool. Let me in…

She blinked at those words.

JB stood outside her door for a moment. He was both nervous and excited. He went to knock and realized he knew the code to the door. He shook his head and opened the door.

Mykenna heard the door and sat up straight.

“Kitten! Get over here this instant!” He grumbled from the foyer as he took off his sneakers.

She walked over slowly. She was sure she was dreaming. She picked up Ahn, her gray striped tabby, as she walked over to the foyer. She blinked seeing him leaning on the wall as he took off his shoes after hanging his jacket on the hook she had for guests. He even had his own set of slip on slippers she had got for him. “J?”

He looked over at her. She looked so shocked to see him. She also looked too adorable with her still damp hair holding her kitten. She had on one of his old t shirts and a pair of his sweat pants. “You sound surprised.” He walked over to her.

“What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be…” She looked at him as he walked over to her.

“I am right where I should be.” He said pushing the hair off her shoulder. “Right where I should have been this whole time.” He brushed her cheek.

She was dreaming. That’s what this was; a dream. She wasn’t staring up at him while he was looking down at her with such loving eyes. He only looked at her like this in her dreams.

He searched her eyes. He brushed the tears away. “I have made you cry too often.”

She shook her head. Words were failing her.

He nodded. “I have.” He bent his head and then met her eyes I again. “I swear I won’t let that happen again. You won’t shed another tear because of me.”

She blinked.

“I swear it.” He said touching her cheek with the back of his hand. “You are so brave; far more so than me.”

She shook her head.

He nodded. “You did something I could never find the courage to do.”

“What’s that?” She finally found her words. She was still pretty sure this was a dream. He was touching her so gently. His hands were soft and warm despite him being out in the cold.

He met her eyes. “Steal a kiss from me.” He touched her lips with his thumb. “You have such soft lips. It was like being touched by flower petals. It shocked me so much that I didn’t even have time to register your lips on mine before you left me.”

She bent her head.

He picked up her chin. “That simple kiss, your lips on mine, made my heart so full. I never thought you would ever see me this way. From the moment we met, to this moment now with you is all I have ever wanted, Mykenna. Your eyes on me, my eyes on you...only you always.”

She searched his eyes. “Look?”

He nodded. “For you.”


“All my words for you, all my songs for only you, Kitten; have been for so long.” He said still touching her face. He couldn’t help it. She was so soft. He met her eyes and searched them. He kissed her gently.

She met his eyes and looked down at the kitten in her arms. She nodded. “I am sure of it now.”

He shook his head and took Ahn from her. “What are you sure of Kitten?” He said as they walked into the living room.

“I am either dreaming or lost my mind.” She nodded looking back at him.

“If this is a dream, don’t wake me up.” He said taking her hand in one hand as he held Ahn in the other.

She looked up at him. “Me either.”

He stopped Mykenna from walking.

She looked back at him as he set Ahn on the floor.

He looked at the Christmas tree and took her hand again. “It looks so pretty all lit up.”

She nodded. “We do good work.”

“We do.” He looked at her. “Come on, let’s make dinner now.”

She nodded and went to walk to the kitchen.

He stopped her.

She looked back at him.

“Be mine.” He said simply. “Mine always and never let me go.”

She let him pull her close and looked up at him. She touched his face. “Never.”

He kissed her. They walked over to the kitchen. This was the way it should have always been. He looked at her as she chopped up the vegetables. Like this, with her; she was his and he was hers. He started the stove. He would make her happy always. He nodded and went to cooking.~~

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