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I place my tray on the table and scrap the chair backwards loudly though the sound would only add on to all the racket around me. I was in the cafeteria, with both the entire 'demon Cards' and all the 'Killer Cupcakes'

I was sitting on a table by my self when Hirano comes over. He usually sits with me.

"Hey Kagestu! How's your partner?"

I give him a fist bump then answer

"2 hours straight we were at each over throat with samurai swords" I answer summed up.

"Badass..." He says in almost a whisper.

I then notice a girl with short ear length black hair with electric blue streaks at the front.

"This is my partner Chloe, anything she draws comes to life" he explains to me

I inspect Chloe she seemed pretty badass alright, but not a snob or anything.

"Nice to meet you..." she says politely

"Who do you have?" Hirano asks curious

"Lula Ocean" I say bluntly not wanting to talk about it. I hear Chloe gasp

"Are you serious?" she asks shocked

"Yeah... whys it such a big deal?" I ask slightly annoyed.

"Lula is very strange and has a dark past, others take the piss outa her but where actually some what friends" Chloe says in response

"Go on..." I encourage

"Lula... her dad had a surgical addiction he had done many major surgical operations on him self, but when his wife gave birth to Lula and passed away no one was there to hold him back.

He preformed many operations on her, but every year on her birthday, she would be given a major operation. A 'gift' such as a pair of dogs ears or a cats tail. Non of then ever lasted long, so they'd have to be removed. Except for her 11th birthday present a pair of wings from a swan.

Her dad connected them to her spine and they actually work. With all this she never actually learnt anything so she's like a child. She only joined 'Killer Cupcakes' last year her farther was thrown in prison" Chloe stops there I take it all in, how could anyone have that kind if life?

"But you have to be careful..."


"She's dangerous. I've never met anyone with such a lust to kill she doesn't care who it is she kills. She's been brought up to kill 'naughty people' she'd do it by night as her farther instructed. she once told me how she found a loin cub, she always refers to the 10 deadly sins"

"It's 7 deadly sins, and I was the loin cub" I say before I can stop myself

Chloe becomes some what excited whilst Hirano sits there confused as hell.

"She always talks about how she wanted to see her cute loin cub" she informs me, I don't react in any way.

"I'm confused..." Hirano says Chloe just ignores him

"Where is she now then?" she asks curious

"The roof of the training room, she won't come down" I say irritated.

"Use chocolate fudge cake to lure her down works every time"

"Hello...! Can someone explain this to me!?" Hirano asks confused and annoyed

Later on in the training room-

I was currently standing in the centre of the training room near where Lula was. She was still refusing to come down, just like a stubborn little kid.

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