Chapter 1

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Day 9

Angel woke up to the gloomy grey skies of Stardew Valley. Grey. The only color they seem to see any more after their change. Anything else is just a darker version of itself. That and they're free from a dead end job that would only make their hair grey and die slowly while someone else just watches and expect unrealistic expectations for them to accomplish.

Joja. They shivers despite the blankets wrapping around their body. They were lucky they were able to convince thrir boss to let them leave without having to work harder to "earn" their release. That job was such a scam. But, at least their good ol' Grandpa was able to give them the courage to leave. Even after death and being surrounded by people every day, he was the only person Angel felt close to. It was a big step forward to try and change their life around. Although, something this big is never easy.

They contemplates their life choices before grabbing a small folded piece of paper. The same one that gave them the courage to get up and leave the place they felt trapped in.

Dear Angel,

If you are reading this, you are in a dire need of change.

The same happened to me long ago. Life felt like a waste of time and Joja held an iron fist over every industry there ever was, and a hold on my spirit as well. What was the point to know people when we all die. That's when I moved to Stardew Valley, a little place off the coast that was filled with adventures and new friends. There I lived better than I've ever hoped and ran a successful farm with my family, Morality Farm.

But when my adventure came to an end, I'm afraid something else has awoken. Angel, there are some things I never told you when you were still a sprout. Yes, I told you about the burdens of life but, the valley, Angel, is cursed. I'm not sure when or how it will manifest itself, but it will. I know you're a sucker for a good mystery, but you have something your father doesn't. I'm leaving my deed to the farm to you. I love you my little angel sprout.

Love, Grandpa.

(P.S. If Lewis is still kicking, tell him he still owes me a twenty and a coke.)

Yup, he sure gave them an earful. But, if it wasn't an earful, how would they know if it was actually their grandpa? Angel finally gets out of bed and immediately shivers from the cold wood floor. Grandpa's house is definitely smaller than they remembered, but they figured in order to pass the deed over to them, he had to downgrade. They're lucky they were able to get a sneak peek of the property online before fully moving in. The house didn't even have a bathroom before they came.

Once they figured that out, they called up a local carpenter to add a washroom extension to the house so they didn't have to worry about personal hygiene. They could care less about not having a kitchen since there's a fireplace they could use to make some of their meals. It would be easier if they did have one though. The rest of the house is pretty simple. They have a table in front of their TV so they could have entertainment while they eat, and their bed is in the top right corner of the room with the bathroom door also on the right of the room. Yup, plain and simple. They put some wood in the fireplace and fires it up so they can have a boiling pot of water when they come out of the shower. Fifteen minutes pass and she comes out fully clothed in casual clothing. This consists of a cyan, white, and grey striped jacket with some kind of 90's propaganda t-shirt no one (sadly) ever gets, a pair of blue work jeans, and a necklace with a yellow shell hanging off of it. They grab a bag of oatmeal out of a box they've been using for storage and place the grainy contents into the water and stirs it with a wooden spoon. The rest of the morning was just a normal morning routine everyone would normally go through.

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