The unexpected call (chapter 13)

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A/n: Hello everybody! I know I know! Where have I been for the past 30 or so days.. we'll school like always is a pain and blah blah blah.. but I hope you enjoy this chapter! oN wItH tHe cHapTer

rEcAp ;)))

"It'll be ok.." those words broke me into a million pieces as my vision goes blurry and i try to hold back my tears..

"Thanks bakugo.."

"No problem dummy.."


"What?" I say in a shaky voice..

"Bakugo.. bro.." Kirishima says smiling and holding his chest..

"Hm?" Bakugo says raising his head from my shoulder..

"Dam it... I forgot you were here.." Bakugo says as he looks away in embarrassment..

I start to giggle but am quickly reminded of something..

"Hey guys..."

"Hm?" They both say in unison..

"I'm sorry.." I say wiping the tears of my face..

"Don't worry about it Y/n!" Kirishima says with a smile

"We will always be here for you!" Kiri starts to giggle and I join in as well..

"Well.. you guys wanna do something?" I ask and both of them look puzzled..

"A movie orrr?-"

"Yeah! Sure!" Kirishima says and runs to the couch

"Pftt.. okay" I say laughing and start walking to go join him.. I look back and just see Bakugo standing there, leaned over on the table.. I look over at Kirishima and he's jumping around and getting the t.v set up.. I start to walk over to Bakugo and i look at him for a minute..

"what?.." he says in an unenthused voice while resting his face on his hands

I look at Bakugo and grab his arm and start to walk with him..

"Huh-" he says but then he just cuts himself off.. Then we make it over to the couch and we both sit down..

"Yo what type of movies do you want to watch" Kirishima says digging through the box of movies..

"Um.. I don't know what do u guys like?" I asked as I turned my attention to Bakugo..

"I-it doesn't matter to me.." Bakugo says his cheeks flushed with pink as he looked away.. I let out a little giggle but then I am quickly reminded that..

"Y/n~" Kirishima says with a cooing tone..

"What?" I say confused.. Kirishima's eyes led me to what he was making a fuss about.. his eyes were on me and Bakugo's hands..

"I-" I TOTALLY FORGOT THAT I WAS- UM- I quickly unlatch my hand from Bakugo's and slid over to the opposite side of the couch.. silence filled the air as everyone went quite..

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