Time Is Running Out For Mortals ( Part One )

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For a second I thought I heard him say hell.

He must be mistaken Right?

If anything I should be in Heaven.

But then again I shouldn't be feeling pain at all.

Ha... I thought I died...

Guess Not...


As the Reaper glanced down at the boy you could see how he smiled.

It wasn't a smile of a father who's seen his new baby boy be born into the world, no it was a smile that was anything but that, because in general it was a smile that by it self, could kill.


As I glanced down at the boy I smiled, I couldn't believe it worked.

I think there might be a few problems though...

He might've forgotten who he is.

He might've gotten injures that might never fully heal.

What if he isn't immortal and it just another mortal?

Maybe he's just a mindless doll now?

I really couldn't tell.

I started to pace knowing that by standing still I could hurt the boy's still healing body.

-Time Skip-

Some time later I heard groaning coming from the boys body. As I glanced down at it I noticed how alert the boys eyes were...

Almost as if he was waiting to be hurt.

But soon relaxed when he noticed me. 

( Bet That's A First For Him... Ha Ha I Suck ).

I was a little weirded out that he found me calming, but in an unknown place it's good to have company.


Hahahaha Screw any schedule I said I had before, I update when I want, it's America gosh darn it!

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