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FEB 12,2019

To my precious Baby in heaven,
Only if I can see your face or hear your name or hold you or even hear a heart beat. I would be in peace and happy and full of life. Wish I could get to know you. I lost you 5 years ago through a terrible lost of miscarriage and never got to know you or seen you or even an hear your heartbeat. It's like you was never there. But I know you were cuz you were apart of me and I was apart of you. I know you are in safe place now with God! We will meet some day be in my arms and I will be able to see u. Hope you will forgive me my precious angel. Mommy does love you with all my heart and always will.. you will never be forgotten. Sorry you couldn't be here with us on Earth! I would totally had everything different for you to here with us instead there! Until we meet again! Fly high with the other Angels my beautiful baby!

How Am I Supposed say good bye', when I'm truly not ready to give it up that truly gone or wanting to say Good bye considering that means never seeing you ever again! But I know Deeply I got to', because I know ur gone I know u aren't here with us no more..You have been in our family since 2009 a baby puppy. You were my 1st pet, my true best friend, my family member, my first animal child , & my everything! Bento my boy I love you so much. You will Greatly will be Missed. I will Always see you in your daughter/ in my Granddaughter Kanta eyes and her bark & everything she does & it will remind of you how much I loved you & how much I missed you..thank you for making my kids laugh and smile through the years!! U will always be my baby boy puppy! You will always be in my Heart! Mommy loves u! FLY HIGH WITH UR DAUGHTER SLEEPING BEAUTY! KEEP Guarding ur family from heaven now on! My Beautiful Boy!!

May 19 2021

Grief has came in my life.
How did I lose two my children and both in terrible ways! Can't I have my baby I deserve.
It is to much cause I never feel my rainbow baby, by the man I should had one with!
Is it to much ask why my mother is fighting for life cuz of cancer..
Some days I wished I had of break.

June 2nd 2024
I lost my finance, my true love, my twin flame, my best friend, my soulmate on April 22, 2022 13 weeks before having our baby girl by master heartattack at age 37. He was token away from me way to sion. I miss him still by this day!
Then my mom, my best friend, last person understood me passed away Feb 10 2024 fighting cancer for 3 yrs. My baby girl, my lil red head kept her alive. I miss her everyday! It's so hard! Really is. Idk whst to do anymore. I don't. I'm so heartbroken 💔. I Want my mom back. It's untair.

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