Chapter 6

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Desiree POV
My heart skips, tears falling. I never thought this could happen.

I should've asked for an address.

I should've made sure she was okay.

Tears and more tears fell from my cheeks, my best friend. The girl that's been with me since we were kids just had a car accident.

"GUYS DESTINY GOT IN A CAR ACCIDENT WE GOT TO GO NOW!" I scream with hot tears coming down.

Everyone looked confused as if I was speaking gibberish.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YALL. SHES FUCKING HURT GET IN THE CAR." I scream running to the front door without shoes or anything.

Everyone follows behind me.
Eli grabs the keys to his car.

We rush to the elevator and I hit the button to the first floor.

Why is it taking so long, I thought to myself.

I give up on forcing the elevator to open, I ran to the staircase and all the way down.

Everyone followed behind me as I cry even more.

We make it to the car and I hop in the drivers seat.

This isn't my car but I don't even care.

I pull off not even buckling my seatbelt.

"I don't know if this is bad timing but what exactly happened?" Isaac asks kind of startled.

"Destiny got into a car accident because she was drinking and driving with some friends. The guy calls me and alerts me and that's all." I say a little scatter brained.

We make it to the hospital and I run to the front desk.

"Room for destiny valentine. Hurry." I shout.

"I'm sorry but you can't see her right now. She's seriously injured and we have to take care of that." The women says.

"IS SHE OKAY? GIVE ME A FUCKIN SIGN LADY PLEASE." I shout not caring for my harsh words.

"I can't assure you of anything but she is in critical condition but it's bad cuts and her head is bleeding a lot. There's glass in her skull and in her back. I'm assuming it could've been worse but she's lucky that she's still breathing." The doctor explains.

I feel my heart slow down and I cuff my face with my hands and cry more.

The twins,Billie, and Dani comes in to hug me.

Danielle cries as well, we were all good friends.

I feel like my world is stopping and I can't do anything about it.

My bestfriend is lucky she's breathing but in bad condition and I can't help her.
I should've said more things to her. I should've watched her every move. I love her and I never could wish this upon anyone.

I sniffle wiping tears and I sit down onto the couch in the waiting area.

I feel hands caress my body and wrap me into a big hug.

"I'm sorry." I hear bil say softly.

"Don't be, it's my fault I let her go to that stupid party without any information about it." I cry into billies arm.

"It's not your fault. All the parties she goes to nothing happens so you didn't expect it to be any different. We can just pray that everything will be fine. You heard the doctor at the front desk say that she's lucky that she's still alive, all they have to do is remove the glass and fix her up. She will be okay, i promise." Billie says in a comforting way.

"Billie. Thank you. For everything." I say crying more.

"Welcome des. Remember I will always care for you." She says as if she always wanted to tell me.

"Me too." I say sitting up.


We stay most of the night until the doctor tells us what's happening with des.

"Okay so she went into surgery about 3 hours ago and she just woken up from it. She can hear but we wouldn't blame her if she couldn't speak well. But only 2 of you can go in at a time. We wouldn't want to pressure her too much." The nurse informs us.

I smile with happiness and look at billie to signal that I want her to come in with me.

"Room?" I ask the nurse

"B204" She reply's walking to her desk.

I grab billies hand and run straight down the hall and take 2 lefts.

I gently knock on Destiny's door before poking my head in.
I smile seeing that she's okay minus the cuts and bandages.

"Hey sunshine." I walk in smiling and speaking soft.
She opens An eye and slightly smiles.

"I'm glad to see you're okay. I love you and I'm gonna stay here this entire time." I say still whispering.

"Hey destiny." Billie says gently.

Destiny smiles a bit at her too.

I move slowly by her side to hug her while she lays in her hospital bed, I give her a light hug not moving her body much.

"Would you mind if bil and I spend the night with you?" I ask des.

She gently nods her head back and forth.
I smile again. She's okay. Thank god.

I sit in the couch sofa and get comfortable before I shut my eyes to sleep with no more problems on my mind. Except one.

Billies pov

I'm happy destiny is okay.

I notice Desiree starting to nod off into a sleep in the hospital couch.
I go and alert everyone to let them know we will be staying here so they can go home.

"Destiny is fine and Desiree and I are staying tonight with her. Thank y'all for being supportive. I'm happy des is with her best friend and also she fell asleep. She's gorgeous when she sleeps, just in case if you were wondering." I say to the crew not realizing I'm blabbering.

They all give a sly smile.
I'm ready to confess that I like Desiree.

"I like her a lot. But I don't want anyone to know. Especially not her." I say.

"Hey how about you get desiree and I get destiny." Eli says chuckling.

"Yeah sure bozo. You wish, destiny can't even look at you for a long time." I say walking backwards and laughing.

"Bye." I add on before completely turning to go back to the room.

Desiree POV

I'm slowly nodding to sleep but I'm still kind of awake.
I hear bil come back into the room and sit down across from me.
I feel her staring at me but I continue to try to sleep.

"Des. You're sleeping right now. But we never got to finish the conversation." I hear billie began to speak.
I continue to fake my sleep.

"Well I never really addressed my sexuality with anyone except for finneas. But I feel like if we spent a lot more time after my tour that we could eventually become a thing. Except you don't like me and it hurts but I'm sooo fuckin crazy about you dude." Billie says.

Does she really think I'm sleep tho. She just talks to herself out loud. Thats weird as fuck dude but okay.

"Billie I love you." I say with my eyes still closed.

Billie POV.

"Billie I love you." I hear des say while I was ranting out loud.
I thought she was sleep. Oh my goodness dude I just fucked up. But she loves me. Wow.

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