Chapter 01

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Chapter 1


"It's either you get married with the Kang's daughter or you produce a fiancé for yourself and present her to us on the dinner congregation"

Exhausted and Pressured.

This was precisely what Perth was feeling as of the moment. With the ultimatum that was set by his father, the young bachelor knew that he was about to lose the life he's been living.

It wasn't the fact that his freedom was about to cut short. Nor the fact that his bride to be was pre chosen by his respected father. Nor because he wasn't ready to live a life that is bound to tie him down

But plainly because he was to be wed to the only daughter of the Kang clan. Marrying the Kang's daughter is like sentencing him to a death penalty.

The urgency didn't came in notice. Not once did he thought that his father will be this clamorous. Nor he even considered meeting and looking for the right girl would be THIS difficult.

Not when he thought he has a long list of them to choose from

It has been a month but to his disappointment, none came close to what he expected his wife to be. The girls were too much. Some were more worse than the Kang daughter herself.


The feeling of the sudden need to vomit made Perth frown. Just thinking of holding the Kang's young mistress hands send shivers to his spine

"Hey come on! She's not that.....bad" His best friend Mark, heir of his clan nudge his side. His pivot glass swirled along with his champagne. Eyeing his frustrated friend that looks like his life has been sucked out of him.

It was the night of the dinner congregation and as the night draw near for the time of the feast the young bachelor couldn't help but feel like dying. Naturally, he had thought of ways



Hire some actress to act as the love of his life?

The anxiety had caused him to go almost mad. Letting out a bitter chuckle he remembered, just an hour ago...

He drove himself off towards the city, drove around in circles. Desperately praying that he could at least find just one human being that could raise his interest.

But none came... all he saw were strippers, high school boys and girls and college boys. And although most men would settle for whoever that's in front of them Perth finds choosing a mate as a rather difficult job


"You could have just pretend to like someone... one of our college friends perhaps?"

A young man wearing a white tuxedo sat beside him. His eyes scanned the hall, his gazed stopped at a crowd of ladies, he blinked and smile before looking back to his friend.

Soon enough, all they heard were giggles. As one came instantly towards his friend. Handing him a piece of what seems to be a torn paper

"Pond" His friend smiled

"I'll call you when I have time sweetie" He casually slip the paper into his pocket before finally turning his back on the girl.

"Like who? As far as I know we only have two close college friends my father hasn't met yet."

Perth's eyebrow clashed. It would have been a nice suggestion, more like the best he could come up with but one is rightfully taken, the other is dangerously claimed

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