this is me

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yo okay so i got tagged by the amazing Saara @clumsymonkey to write this. basically, i have to write 20 facts about myself, and then tag 20 more people.

dude but if you read this whole thing then wow. like thanks a bunch.

1. i play tennis. um it's a difficult sport i guess??? i really like badminton so i thought i'd like it, and i do, i just am tired all the time now lol

2. i'm super insecure about most of my writing. like. i have a ton of drafts and ideas but i'm worried that they're not very good. usually, i'm super bad at creating conflict and incorporating subplots well, so like, i hesitate (and don't) post things.

3. i wear a watch everyday because it gives people a reason to talk to me.

4. i have an older brother who's at college and i miss him a lot lol. he's pretty much my best friend i guess. like i can easily joke around with him but he's also got that whole protective-older-brother vibe going on.

5. i have a thing for empowered ladies from 90's movies. (kat stratford, anybody?)

6. i watch a lot of television, and sometimes i can watch entire seasons within weekends, but sometimes i drag them out over summers. my bro and i used to have a tradition to watch avatar the last airbender every summer and so basically we would bang out all 3 seasons in the first 2-3 weeks. but like now i'm watching buffy the vampire slayer and i'm not totally into it so like it's been 2 weeks and i've seen 5 episodes.

7. captain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! swan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8. i quote disney/dreamworks movies, and actually just movies in general, all the time irl. if it's disney/dreamworks, some people get it, but sometimes i say things from like, home alone, and no one really picks up on it lol.

9. yesterday i dressed up as emperor kuzco for disney day, and, i have to admit, i slayed.

10. i play the cello but not that well ya feel. in orchestra we're playing music from frozen, and brave, and this radical techno pop song called "melrose avenue".

11. i actually enjoy homework when i'm not like, swimming in it. i like exercising my mind and refreshing myself from the concepts i learned during the day. it's just fun for me idk

12. i have no idea what i'm going to do in life. like, i'm interested in literally every career pathway. arts and communications??? writing. STEM????? everything tbh. health and human resources????? pharmacologists tho. business and finance????? FINANCE!!! MY MATHEMATICAL ABILITIES WILL FINALLY SHINE. so like i like everything, and so i can't really narrow it down to one field. like i don't want to restrict myself to just math, and know that there's science out there i could be learning. sigh.

13. i have a serious thing for socks. like. i have 6-8 pairs of knee-high socks, and 12 pairs of "trouser socks" and they're all vibrantly colored. i wear them w like shorts to show them off lol. other than that i don't really care about fashion oops.

14. i read a lot of books but i don't own that many. my bro and i together have a fairly substantial collection of the basic series (pjo, harry potter, pendragon, artemis fowl, the hunger games, etc. etc.). usually, we don't buy that many books. we just go to the library and read them. we only buy books that we know we're going to read over and over and over again, or we buy classics (we bought a ton of classics this summer lol).

15. i'm thinking of maybe doing swimming this winter???? idk yet

16. i got a mile time of 9:01 which is super good for me so yeah

17. i love wearing jeans. they're so comfortable, and warm, and mmmm. my jeans have nice pocket space too, which is an added bonus lol. most of the time, i wear sweatshirts too so like i'm constantly swathed in comfort during my average day.

18. i really like reading books, but i'm super bad at explaining them. like, for example, i read this book called shadow and bone and i tried to recommend it to a friend and she was like, "well, what's it about?" and i was like "yeah idk how to explain it lol but it's great!"

19. i love art omg. i'm a huge art nerd. especially surrealism!! it's just so absolutely weird and cool to look at and just wow i love surrealist art and i love the surrealist movement and rene magritté and salvador dalí and vladimir kush (the only modern surrealist i really like lol). and the romantic and baroque periods were hella and so was the post-impressionist movement bC VAN GOGH and just art ok i like art

20. i'm actually batman but don't tell anyone

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yo thanks for reading and stay awesome gotham

(also like if you don't have time/energy/motivation to write this like. it's okay. that's totally fine lol.)

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