The tsundere saber

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In Chaldea every servant was in a frenzy, mainly the female ones , as today was the chance to give their beloved Master their feelings in delectable chocolate. Although there was one servant in particular that was having  little bit of trouble on this holiday. The saber of red, bastard child to the king of knights, Mordred. She was skilled in swordsman ship and fighting in general after having been summoned by her current master (Y/N). But every mission he takes her out on she can feel herself growing closer and closer to him. I mean their bond level was at 9, getting close to 10 as well!

So as a way to show some grattitude to getting her this far she thought she;'d indulge in her more, "feminine" side and try making hand made chocolate. Though it didn't end as well as she thought it would.


The saber stood in the kitchen as ingredients and other random cooking ware was all over the place. She was covered in flower and some of it even covered her nose as she continued to pant in fury. In rage she threw her chefs hat to the ground as the over burst open in flames and the sprinkler system came on. She sighed in defeat again as Dr Roman came on over the speakers.

Roman: Uhm, we have a fire in kitchen 5 everyone! Be sure to steer clear of it alright?

Startled by this, and not wanted to be caught, Mordred bolted out of the room. She managed to get away before any shame befell her once more, but at the same time she could hear the portal being opened once again. Coming out of it was a group mainly made up of male servants but the one who caught her attention the most was the one leading them. Standing at the front was her master, (Y/N) (L/N). Her heart skipped a beat but she was broken from her trance as the male turned to her with his bright smile.

(Y/N): Oh, hey Mordred! What're you doing out here? And what happened to your clothes?

Mordred: O-Oh, this?! of the other girls had asked me to help make chocolates! Hehe....yeah that!

Wiping herself off she tried to play it off cool but another explosion occurred behind her as fire burst though the door.

Roman: Ahh! The fire just got worse!

(Y/N): Uh....should we do something about that?

Merlin: Leave it to me master.

Merlin walks towards the fire before casting water as Mordred breathes a sigh of relief. Merlin looks towards her in confusion before putting two and two together, giving her a smile as she blushes and turns her head away.

Merlin: Hey master? Are there anymore missions you wish to do today?

(Y/N): Hm? Well, not really. We got everything we needed so you all can relax for the rest of the day. Good job everyone!

The crowd of servants all chatter with (Y/N) before dispersing into random directions in Chaldea, along with the master himself. As he walks away Mordred let's out an even bigger sigh of relief as she leans against the wall and slumps down it in defeat.

Merlin: Ararara~ Seem's you're having a hard time in the battle of love~

Mordred: Y-You! How did you-

Merlin: I can see the burnt items in the kitchen after all~

Mordred: But still how do you know it was me, huh?!

Merlin simply smiles as he points down to Mordred's apron, which was covered in small smudged of chocolate.

Mordred: So what?! I said I was helping another servant didn't I?

Merlin: No not that~ The recipe that's in your pocket. I can tel that's your handwriting on it.

Mordred blushes before trying to find and excuse, only to come up empty. She lowers her head in defeat as Merlin chuckles and the fire in the room finally dies out. Afterwards he walks over to Mordred and offers her a hand. Reluctantly she reaches out and takes it as she get's back on her feet. The caster smiles before walking down the hallway.

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