chapter 7

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Six years later

Sorry I really, really jumped years but I just have to keep the story going right?

Ashley's pov

It's been six years since I left my parents, my best friends and Ashton. I feel bad but I'm happy I had the courage to do that, I mean I really suffeered alot emotionally and physically during my schooling years. You know Fashion designing is not a simple course.

No family to support me, no friends until I met Andy Sanchez and Tia Morris. We met in a cafe, I was crying my eyes out, Tia broke up with her boyfriend because he cheated on her and Andy was our waiter of that day and he is gay.

Some how we clicked together and then we found out that we live in the same apartment but door neighbors. Tia lives in room 243, I live in 244 and Andy lives in 255.

I graduated from college last year with a first class and as I sent my records to different companies I was accepted at once. Actually I had to choose because 4 different companies accepted me.

I work with Linseys touch and I'm the head of decorations and plannings. Anytime we have a contract we always come back with millions cause we use the best of the best. You know I'm proud of my job I have a name and everyone knows it. We plan really big parties, events, weddings, and all that.

We even have our magazine and since I'm the head my face is literally every where, So u see.

I am currently in my office when I heard a knock on my door I straightened up quickly "come in" I said. My assistant came in" Good morning ma'am" she greeted  "Lenny you and I know we re both friends so stop calling me ma'am" I scolded her like a little kid. "Sorry Ashley but um- the big boss sent for you now, he said it's urgent"she Said looking down.

I sensed that something was wrong so I rushed out of my office to Mr Johnsons office. Yes that's my big bosses name, he's like a father to me so..yeah
I knocked on his hard door and I heard a muffled come in. I entered and immediately I started having this feeling I had six years ago, the feeling of dread.

"You sent for me sir?" I asked
"Ahh yes come sit Ash" he said. I nodded and sat down.
"You know" he started "we have a problem, not really a problem because it would benefit all of us" he said and I nodded encouraged him to continue "I am merging my company with that of Stone's Corp"
"What" I almost shouted
"Yes I'm so sorry Ashley I need to..I don't want the dreams of my wife crashing down" he said tearing up which I didn't like one bit  "okay" I said  putting up the best smile I can "I'm all in anything for you papa"
"Really" he asked happily
"Yes, anything for you old man" I said. Chuckling and then he hugged me tightly "thank you so much darling" he said  happily.

"Okay tell everyone what I said because their pay will have to raise" he said and I smiled "oh everyone would like that" I muttered and I walked to the door
"Oh and yeah your new boss arrives tomorrow, so get prepared"

My eyes almost budged out of their sockets, I mean if I had water I would have spilled it on his everywhere.

But I tried to stay calm and I gave a fake smile and rushed out and sat on my office chair breathing heavily like I ran a hundred meter race.

That means I have to see him AGAIN
I don't want to remember those bad memories AGAIN. Oh no this is not good at all. But I have to do it for Mr Johnson and his wife.

So I went to the only place that calms me... MCDONALD'S. As I entered I ordered my favorite cheese burgers and fries.

I sat at a far corner and ate my food. Time flew so fast that it was already 6:00pm. So I packed my bag straightened my skirt and walked to the door. I received stares from men, and boy's. It's normal cause I get them alot.

As I touched the handle of the door to open it it refused to open which shows that someone at the other end also wants to open the door.

Seems like the person read my mind cause he or she left the handle and I opened the door.

Only to look up to find familiar Cold blue orbs starring back at me intently. Oh no not again, I quickly walked pass him trying to rush to my car when I tripped. Damn not now. I waited for the impact but none came I looked up to find those same eyes and a weird tingling sensation on me like an electric shock. Jesus I need to get out fast, so I released myself and gave him a fake smile "thanks" I said and rushed out I reached my car and entered before I closed the door I heard him yell "SHIT... ASHLEY"

"Oh no, he remembers"
I quickly drove out with full speed. I reached my house in 20 minutes, thank God.
I rushed inside locked my door and rushed to my room with my heart still pounding.

"He found me" I muttered
I went to bed immediately afterwards and drifted off hoping today was all a dream.

Helped her again huh😕

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