Chapter 26

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Okay here.
I know this chapter is probably stupid but I didn't want to leave you guys hanging by not updating.
This story is coming to an end though and I don't know how to end it.

I need ideas.
So comment if you have any.


I succeeded in persuading my angel to travel with me back to. She was really hesistant but I framed an almost true lie and she believed which I hope doesn't come back to bite me in the ass.


Today's Monday and I'll be taking Ashley with me to the office to work with me. And trust me  its already arranged. And her office is mine.
I'll need to look at her while working unless I won't be able to do anything, my mind wouldn't be at peace which was the reason I travelled to meet her in the first place.

She's my fresh air

I wonder what she would  do when she finds out that she will be working with me and her office rest is almost beside mine in my office.

The click of heels brought me out of my thoughts and as I looked up, what I saw took my breath away.

Can someone look this beautiful, so innocent, so adorable and good looking at once? Everything about her is perfect. From the blinking of her long lashes to the biting of her luscious lips to th...


I was snapped out of my daydream again. I looked at her face and it was crimson red. I realized it's because of the way I was just staring at her.

"Uh good morning" I said

"G-good m-morning" she answered shyly.

"Hope you slept well? " I asked

"Um yeah "she said forcing out a smile.

"What's wr.. " I didn't even get to finish when she asked a question that I never wanted to answer.

"When will I get my apartment?. I can't stay here" she asked over breakfast.

What the hell

"I I um we'll talk about that later" I said standing up immediately to leave the house to avoid that topic.

We drove to work in silence. And as usual when we got to the office, everyone was staring. The fucking males in were staring at her like a piece of meat. I felt like plucking out their eyes. She would slap me if I mistakingly wrap my arms around her.

I almost felt like screaming back off She's mine!

When we got to my office door, she stopped walking.
I turned to face her "why did you stop walking? " I asked and the innocent look she gave me almost made me wrap my arms protectively around her.

"Uh I - I would b-be going to my office now" she mutter d softly.

"Who told you your office is where you think you are going?"

"Um I- its where I was working before I left. Some of my collegues should be there " she answered

"Well no. Your office is now here" I said nodding towards my office.

"What do you mean " she asked quietly.

I was more than suprise to see that she hasn't yelled at me yet heck she hasn't even snapped at me.

I opened my office and we got in, I gave her orders on what to do and she started working without sparing me a glance. 

And I'm wondering why??

Sorry for the short chapter

Any predictions on the next chapter??

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