chapter 13

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while now.
My exams are near soo..sorry

Ashley's pov
I felt something touch my head, guess it was dream I thought which made me smile cause the touch felt so comforting and felt like home.
I felt a hand run through my hair o my God that's ama--- wait what?? That's not my hand which made me scared, could it be a serial killer? I slowly opened my eyes so it won't seem I'm creepy.

I was shocked because I was in an unfamiliar place which was uncomfortably comforting what the hell I looked around me and when did I get here and how?
"You slept off and I didn't want to disturb you"The person beside me answered maybe after seeing my uneasiness.

I turned and it was Ashton.
What the hell....

"O my God, I can't believe I slept off on my first day. I'm so sorry sir" he just stared at me. I squirmed uncomfortably under his gaze. I mean who didn't, he had this intimidating aura.😮
I was about to stand up but I couldn't, I looked down and froze at our position. He was kneeling with one knee beside the couch I was sitting on and his hands spread wide and I was caged in the middle with his face very close to mine Sweet Jesus.

I cleared my throat and it was as if he came out if his trance and he stood up creating a good distance between us "um yeah sorry" he scratched the back of his neck. Something he does whenever he was scared or nervous or embarrassed.
Huh🙄 nervous?? I don't think he's scared of me or nervous around me.
"What time is it?" I asked to ease the awkwardness "um- I think it past six" he answered.
"What" I yelled which made him to flinch. I immediately felt sorry
"Sorry " I muttered and I continued "I didn't mean to yell like that, I was just angry that I slept this long. It was supposed to be my first day and alot of things needed to be sorted out but I slept off"
"It's okay" he said and I looked up meeting his orbs which was filled with emotions I couldn't tell
No firing or what
He chuckled "No one's getting fired, I was the one who let you sleep". I nodded.

As if on cue my stomach rumbled making me look down in embarrassment. He chuckled and said "I think your stomach needs to be fed" and he took my hand
Oh no those past memories were coming back and I didn't want that. I needed to act fast
I pulled my hand fast from his grip and said
"Um sorry I can't I need to go to my hotel" I masked my face again with that cold face I usually give him back in NY. I didn't want to get attached to him again. It would break me, and besides new emotions swirled inside of me.

"At least let me drop y--"
"No thanks I can do that myself" I said walking pass him making my way to the door. I quickly walked no ran to the elevator and I entered. I breathed a sigh of relief but that didn't last long when I saw a hand in between   ,  almost closed elevator and he got in.
Damn it

The elevator ride seemed longer than I was when I came this morning. Finally it opened at the last floor and I quickly got out and walked to the direction of the road.
I stood for ten minutes and yet no cab
Jesus seems like this place hates me after all. I don't always get a cab if I don't stand for almost an hour.

20 minutes and yet no cab. I sighed in disgust. I never wanted to come back here Mr Johnson made me do it.
I started walking to my suite even if it takes me hours. At least it's better than standing here.

I walked for almost 20 minutes and my feets were killing me. I was tired. I walked to the bus stop and sat there with hopes that I could get a bus.

I wished I had a family to rely on but I didn't. Someone came and sat beside me but I didn't need to ask who because the strong masculine scent gave it all away about who the person was.

"What do you want?" I asked him because my nerves were getting the best of me. The past was taking a toll on me. I felt the need to let go everything.
He didn't reply. We sat there for almost ten minutes before he said in a small voice
"Am sorry"


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