Chapter 2

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"Wake up, Kit Kat!"

I looked up to see my 9-year-old brother giving me a toothless smile. I smiled back and looked at my clock, 7:40 AM. That gives me plenty of time to get ready since school starts in about an hour.

I'm suprised he's even up, it's usually up to me to wake him up since my dad goes to work at 6 AM.

"Thanks for waking me up Ty." I got up and ruffled his hair, which caused him to groan and exit my room. I smiled and headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

Feeling refreshed, I walked in to my room to start getting dressed. I decided to wear my favorite shirt which said "At least I actually listen to the bands on my T-shirt". I paired it with some black skinny jeans and black converse.

Satisfied with my outfit, I walked over to my mirror to do my hair and makeup. I don't really have much to do since I actually like the way I look. I have blue eyes and wavy blonde hair. All I really have to do in the morning is brush my hair and apply light makeup.

My phone started ringing while I was doing my mascara. I started singing along to my ringtone as I walked over to answer it.

"Hello?" I answered not bothering to check the caller ID since I had a pretty good idea who it was.

"Are you ready for today?" Jake answered.

"Not really, I'm kind of nervous." I answered back truthfully as I put my phone on speaker to continue my makeup.

"I knew that would happen, so I have two wonderful pieces of advice for you. One, don't be nervous, he's actually pretty chill when he's selling. Second, as soon as you have it call me immediately. I wouldn't want you to get caught with it. I would feel so bad." And you don't feel bad about me buying it in the first place?

My door suddenly opened. Tyler was just standing in my doorway looking at me, with a confused look on his face. "Kit Kat, did I hear something about drugs?"

"Nope, we were talking about hugs." I said calmly. He may only be nine, but somehow he knows all about things he shouldn't know.

"Oh okay, I want a hug." I smiled as I got up from my chair to give him a big hug.

"Now run along and go get dressed. You don't want to miss the bus." I shooed him away and closed my door.

"Jake, I'll see you at school. I think I'm going to skip first period to get the stuff so I'll call you sometime before second period."

"You're going to.. SKIP?!" He gasped. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"No, I'm just going to ask to leave during first period to go buy drugs. I can totally see that working." I said sarcastically.

"You never know, some teachers are cool enough to actually let you go." He chuckled.

"Explain to me why I'm still friends with you." I face palmed.

"Because I'm awesome and you know you love me." I could practically see the smirk on his face just by the tone of his voice.

"Yeah sure, I have to go now. I'll see you later." I said as I hung up, not even bothering to hear his reply.

I quickly finished getting ready and made my way downstairs. I popped a bagel in the toaster and called out my brother's name while I was waiting.

No reply. He must already be at his bus stop. He has always been such a responsible kid. We both are actually, dad raised us right.

The toaster popped up and made me jump like I always do. I laughed at myself and quickly took my bagel out while gathering my backpack and keys. I headed to my car and started the dreadful drive to school.

Notice any mistakes? Please send me a message or comment to let me know!

Picture of Kat on the side ------>

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