Chapter 3

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As I pulled up to the school, I looked around for Alex. I didn't see him anywhere so I got out and walked to the back of the school building. No one really ever comes out here except, of course, the bad kids.

I looked around until I spotted Alex. He was finishing up a with a customer, which was easy to tell since the guy had blond dreds and a loose ripped tye dye shirt. He walked away after handing Alex some money and I took that as my chance to approach him.

"Hey." I say when I got near him. He looked up at me and quickly put the money in his pocket. Then he looked me up and down with a smirk on his face.

"Hey cutie, what can I do for you? Actually let me rephrase that, what can I do to you?" His smirk grew even wider.

"Haha, no, you can't do anything to me. I'm here because.. I need an ounce." I whisper whilst looking around.

A confused look suddenly came over his face, "an ounce of what?"

"An ounce of whatever drug you're selling, obviously." His smirk disappears and he firmly shakes his head.

"No can do, Kat." He says.

"Why the hell not?! And how do you know my name?" I yell.

"Who doesn't know your name? I've known who you are since first grade." I look at him as I remember him being in my first grade class. I even had him in at least two of my classes since freshman year. I never expected him to know who I was though since I hadn't really said a single word to him before today.

"Fair enough, I guess. But why can't I buy some drugs?" I was getting slightly annoyed.

"Why do you want some?" He questions like he has a right to know.

"That's none of your business." I say with an attitude.

"Obviously, it is since you want to buy it from me." Shit. I never thought of that. And I guess I can't exactly tell him that it's for a friend because he's going to ask who and then I would have to tell him it's for Jake. I guess I'll go with my second option.

"They're for me. I was planning on getting high after school." Come on, believe it. He looks at me skeptically as an emotion flashes through his eyes. It went by so quickly that I couldn't tell what it was.

"Is it your first time?" He asks after about a minute.

"No?" I answer sounding unsure of what to say.

"Fine," he sighs, "be careful with this though." He reaches in his pocket and pulls out a small clear bag. He places it in my hand and turns to walk away.

"Umm, don't you want your money?" I ask.

He stopped walking, but didn't turn around. "No, first one from me is always free," his back is still to me, "but I won't give you any after that."

"Why not? What if I run out and need more." I raise my voice.

"Look," he sighed and then turned around to look me dead in the eyes, "I don't know if this is your first time or not. I don't even know how much you've had before. I just don't want you to get fucked up like me. It's not addictive but the feeling can be. When you're high you're not in your right mind and people can take advantage of you, so be careful." The tone of his voice sounded so sincere and caring.

I don't know why I did it, but something compelled me to tell the truth. "Alex, the drugs...they're actually for a friend." He studies me for a second before he looks at me curiously.

"Who?" Ah, I knew that was coming.

"Jake Miller." I say quietly. I look at him as his face darkens. You know, I never actually found out why they hate each other.

"You're still friends with that idiot?" He growls. I mean to anyone it would be obvious that we are friends, but since Alex usually spends his time hiding behind the school, I guess he didn't know.

"Best friends actually. And why do you hate him so much?"

"He's bad news, even worse than me." What? How dare he say something like that! And with that disgusted expression on his face, I got even more pissed off.

"You can't just sit there and make up lies about him! He's probably ten times better than you are!"

"Really? Then why the fuck are you getting drugs for him in the first place? Did your little 'best friend' ever tell you what exactly happened when he first tried it?" What does he mean what really happened? Jake told me everything and would never lie to me.

"What are you talking about? He told me everything and it wasn't even that bad."

He shook his head and started to walk away. But then he stopped and turned back around.

"I have always expected that he would change the story and never tell you the truth. Just watch out for yourself." He finally said as he walked away.


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