Chapter Seven

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The guards pushed forward a beaten and bruised maroon blood. The troll's hands and feet were chained together and his face was smeared with his own blood. Condy sat upon her throne smiling as the guards made the maroon blood kneel in front of her.

"The scum has told us why he took longer than expected on his journey to dump the bodies, Empress," said the guards, smirking. "Good, good," she purred, grinning down at the cowering troll.

A guard kicked the troll in the side, yelling at him to speak. "I-I saw the rebellion l-leader E-Empress," he whined, clutching his side. "H-he was heading t-towards the next town in between your c-castle and the r-rebel town, Em-Empress."

The Empress clapped her hands together, grinning at the troll. "You have done a good thing, peasant," she said to him before turning to the guards. "You, take him to be healed and cared for; he has done a great thing. And you, inform the head guard; I want all of my men sent to capture them. My only order is keep them alive."

One of the guards yanked up the bloody troll, who was thanking the empress continuously, and took him away. The other ran off to inform the head guard of the queen's orders.

The Empress sat alone in the large throne room, grabbing her trident and arising from her throne. "It's time to quash a couple of cockroaches," she smiled to no one.

The alleyway was dark and cool. Carmine's head was laying on Dolorosa's lap. The rest of his body was sprawled on the hard ground. Dolorosa held a bottle of water up to his lips, every so often putting it down. Carmine's face was streaked with tears. His eyes were squeezed shut and his fists were clentched.

Dolorosa stroked his hair and looked at him with love in her eyes. "Everything is my fault," he whispered, opening his eyes. "No," Dolorosa said. "You are trying to fix this broken society. If you hadn't choose to seek freedom, Psiioniic would still be chained to a wall, beaten and bruised."

Psiioniic was standing outside keeping watch. The sermon would start soon; trolls passed by as they headed towards the meeting place. He didn't know if he wanted to go or not. He normally enjoyed the sermons; but this was different.

The sense of impending doom loomed over him as he looked up at the stars. He kind of hoped Carmine would decide not to go. He feared for his friends more than himself. He had heard Dolorosa's comment and he knew she was right.

His life as a slave... No, he didn't want to remember that. He felt a hand touch his shoulder and he jumped, looking behind him. Carmine was gripping his shoulder tightly, a new flame in his eyes. Dolorosa came out of the ally way just after him, putting the canister of water away. Disciple jumped off of a building top, gracefully landing on all fours.

Carmine looked into Psii's eyes, noticing the fear in them. "Don't worry, Psii," he smiled, nodding. "This will be a sermon no one will ever forget." Psii looked unsure but quickly pushed that unease aside; he had to be there for his friends.


The empress sat in her open-roofed carriage, admiring her soldiers. They were all determined to serve her the best they could. Next to her carriage, Executioner Darkleer walked, sharpening arrow tips. Behind his helmet, beads of swear appeared on his forehead. He would have to try to not kill the criminals and only aid in their capture for the moment.

Condy looked at the road ahead of her, ordering any passerby to be killed on the spot; she couldn't have anyone ruin the surprise for the rebels.

A bird-lusus flew towards Condy and landed on the carriage, a note in its beak. She took the note from it and opened it. It was written in a squiggly, yet elegant, purple font - GHB's writing. She read the letter quickly and then wrote a response back, sending it off with the bird.

She crossed her legs, regaining her authoritative posture. "GHB will be aiding us in the capture," she said to Darkleer. "They will be surrounding the town so no one can enter or escape. I have decided to let them kill all of the trolls that were caught attending the sermon after we have the rebel leaders in our grasp."

Darkleer nodded, running towards the front of the formation to tell the captain of the army the news. Condense smiled as he ran off, loving his enthusiasm. This was going to be a night no one would forget.

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