Prince! Gaster! Sans x Hardworking! Female! Reader

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Author's P.O.V.
So to start things off. (Y/N)'s a maid at Prince's Sans castle. And she's crushing on him at little bit... Pfft I'm kidding! She has a huuuge crush on the prince. But she doesn't think he likes her back. After all, princes only love and marry princesses, right? And she's a maid. But to be a good maid, (Y/N) is a very, very hardworking one. And appreciates it. That makes her happy. But other maids, who have a crush on him too are mad at her and hurt her when she gets too close. So on with the story!

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
I was cleaning the throne room this morning. Just the usual, nothing out of the ordinary. I was just cleaning the throne when I heard a fimiliar voice. "(Y/N)! Glad to see you here!" The voice said. I turned around and saw his highness. I bowed to him, as I always do. "Good morning, your highness. Slept well tonight?" I said and gave him a closed-eyed smile and hidden me hands behind my back to hide my bruises and cuts, that Frisk (Author: Sorry, I have to :'D) gave me last evening. He blushed a little bit. "Good. Why are you hiding your hands?" He asked. I had to make a quick excuse. NOW! ... I can't find any excuse. Welp, let's be truthful for once (Y/N)! So I carefully showed my hands and waited for his reaction.

Sans' P.O.V.

As soon as she showed me her bruised and cut hands, I let out a gasp and covered my mouth. "Who did that to you?!" I asked, shocked, knowing when I will find that horrible person that I'm going to send them the dungeon forever. (Y/N) gulped silently but loud enough for me to hear it. "A-are you s-sure that you want t-to hear it, y-your highness?" She was shaking, like alot. I put my hand on her shoulder. "Of course I do. You're the kindest, the most beuatiful and the most hardworking maid I've ever seen, I absolutly cannot let the person who hurt you get away with it." I said looking to her (E/C) eyes. And before anyone asks that, yes, I do love her but she doesn't know. No one knows.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
He was looking straight into my eyes, awaiting an answer. I took a deep breath. "F-Frisk did it, your highness." I replied, shaking. He looked shocked but then, he looked mad as he called for my maid friend(Author: And it's gonna be my OC, hope you aren't mad, but I really like her, she's like Ink's sidekick :') here's how she looks like and imagine her clothes are the normal maid clothes, I'm too lazy to draw her in maid clothes :'))

 He looked shocked but then, he looked mad as he called for my maid friend(Author: And it's gonna be my OC, hope you aren't mad, but I really like her, she's like Ink's sidekick :') here's how she looks like and imagine her clothes are the normal ...

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"Lerry!" He called and she arrived. "Yes, your highness?" She said and bowed. "Take care of (Y/N)'s bruises and cuts" he said. "Yes, your highness." She replied and started to take care of them. "By the way, do you know where Frisk is?"He asked. "I think I saw her at the dining room, your highness." Lerry replied. "Thank you, when you're done, take frisk to room 12 and wait for me there with her." He said. "Yes, your highness." Lerry said and once again, started to take care of my hands and his highness walked away. After she was done with my hands, we walked towards the room and got in. The room was a royal bedroom! And when I say royal, I mean ROYAL. It was so beuatiful! "Didn't we confuse the room?" I asked, looking at the beuaty all around us. "Nope, we are in the right room" She said and winked, like if she knew about something that I didn't. A few minutes passed and his highness walked in.  "Hello" he said. "Can I leave now, your highness?" Lerry asked. "Of course" He said and Lerry walked away. "S-so, w-what do you need, y-your highness?" I asked, I assumed something bad, even tho we were in such beuatiful room. "Heh, no need to be afraid. I won't hurt you. There is just one important thing, more like two." He said, blushing but smiling. He then held up my chin, leaned it and kissed me. I couldn't belive it! Why would a very royal, nice and intelligent prince kiss a maid?! I was blushing like mad but after a while, I've dicided to kiss back. After like 30 seconds we parted for air. I still couldn't belive what was happening. "(Y/N)" I looked up as he said my name. "I've wanted to tell you this, since... well... since I met you. It's fine if you don't feel the same way but..." he said and took a deep breath. "I love you, (Y/N)" he said blushing like alot. I never expected this to happen. But I knew what to do. I leaned closer to him and kissed him. This kiss however, was alot shorter. So when we parted for air, I said: "I love you too"

YASSSS!! I finally finished it! I'm very, very, very sorry that I was too lazy to write this sooner and forgot about it... I still hope you liked it tho.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2019 ⏰

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