Chapter 4: Mutual Attraction

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Original: 782 words

New: 1776 words on Google Docs/ 1756 Words on Wattpad

Rewritten: June 22, 2019



"Hey, you good?" Diggy tapped on my shoulder softly, catching my attention, while I scrolled through Instagram on my phone.

"Yeah, why?"

"You seem quiet."

"Oh, um-" I sat up in my seat. "Just thinking about a lot, you know. Going to college and stuff." I shrugged and gave him a reassuring smile so I could make it believe able. He nodded his head at me, returning the smile, but on the inside, I was literally dying.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?"

My dad walked up beside me with a certain look on his face, which I've never seen before, but I didn't say a word. I stood up and followed behind me, feeling a pair of eyes stare right behind me, but I refused to look back. Me and my dad walked into the house, into the kitchen, and he shuts the glass door behind me so that the guys wouldn't hear what we were saying.

"What's up with your mom?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. She hasn't said anything to me." And now that I think of it, it was kind of weird that she didn't.

"She hasn't said anything to you?"

"No, but I do need you to give her a message."

I slightly laughed. "And what is that?"

"If she doesn't call me within the next 24 hours I will pull up and she knows how much she hates me doing that."

I couldn't help but burst out laughing at what he was saying. My dad not have been marriage ready, but I have to admit, this guy was hilarious and was the best at raising me when mom decided to wanted to have a whole day to herself.

"Message received." I told him, feeling my phone vibrate in my back pocket. Let's just hope she doesn't shoot the messenger.

After we talk for a little longer, he went to go check on the food, which was a good thing, because my phone began to ring in my back pocket at this point. I pulled it out and answered it, without looking at the caller ID and staring at the glass window, watching everyone.

"You missed the sound of my voice?"

"...Why are you calling me?"

"I should ask why aren't you calling me?"

I let out a heavy sigh, so he was aware that I was annoyed with him, but I don't think he really cares to be honest.

"You can cut the little attitude-"

"Look I gotta go Chris-"

"It's daddy to you."

"Like I said, Chris. I will call you back later."

I immediately hung up the phone and returned back outside.

And yes, I did do a little research last night before bed to look at some information on Chris himself because of his status. But we all know we can't believe what the media out there, now can we?

"You think he likes me?" Diggy asked, as I fixing my hot dog.

"Who likes you?"

"Your stepdad."

I looked at him for a moment and shrugged. "I don't know. What did he say?"

I understand what Diggy was trying to do, but if we're being honest here, I don't think it matters what Chris thinks of him. I know him and my real father get along well already, so if anything, Chris was just trying to start some shit between the both of us and get on my nerves.

In Love With My Stepfather: Chris Brown  (Book 1)  *REVAMPING IN PROCESS*Where stories live. Discover now