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With the small sliver of rapidly waning conscious control, I did what I could, what I had to in order to stay and save myself.

When I escaped, the world swirled and spun and nothing was familiar any longer. My power was drained and I struggled to hold myself upright. The ground suddenly fell to me and hit me hard. I yelped as I hit a rock, splitting open my head as the world fell farther into darkness.

I held my eyes (plural) closed and focused on what my body had become. My hand held the gash on my head as I used the last of my strength to watch the blood drip down my forearm and pool together on the rocks.

I blinked and the blood was dry. I was fading in and out of continuousness uncontrollably. I was balled up on the rocks and my body was on fire. Gasping for air I managed to yell,

"Help me..."

It was faint but recognizable. It was my voice to say the least.

Grinding my teeth, I held the blood stained rock in order to try and heave myself upright. When I got to my knees I doubled over in pain again falling to the other side. I realized that the gash in my head had opened up again, letting streams of blood fall down my face and into the earth.

The unstable world around me crumbled, fading to black and dragging me along with it.

• • • Tyrone's POV • • •
I followed Mable through the forest, taking the occasional brake to look through the canopy of the trees.

"Copy bro bro! You have to keep up!" She yelled at me. I looked down at her from the leaves of the tree and walked a bit faster to catch up to her speed.

"Mabel, we've found like five great spots, I don't want to get too far away from the shack or we will never come here." I said.

"But we want it to be a secret, don't we?" She yelled, smiling.

Dipper, Mabel and I were planning on making a little town made of stick huts and stone pathways. Now that the big Gravity Falls mysteries were sorted, we've been less... well... busy.  And if we were going to make this stick town, I didn't want people to find it and wreck it.

So I nodded in agreement.

We passed fallen logs of tremendous size and found a little stream that seemed to be running uphill. We agreed we wanted to make our town near this river. Mabel ran in circles around the trees trying to find the best one as I kicked the stones into a small pile.

"We can have a tree house!" She yelled aloud. I smiled at her all the while kicking the rocks.

"I want a treehouse here!" She said. I looked up again and she hugged a tree. "Right in this tree!" She screamed and I laughed at her, turning my attention to the rocks again.

Something caught my attention, though. It was just a regular rock but stained red. At first I thought it was rust, but it covered the rocks around and under it. I picked it up and realized it was blood, animal blood I presume, from a hunted animal. I dropped the rock and saw other stones also painted red from wounds.

I walked to it and searched for more. It abruptly stopped where the rocks ended and the grass began. I continued to walk the direction the blood path had been leading me until I reached a tree.

"Holy Jesus Mary-" I jumped.

There was a kid, not much older than me or Dipper, completely unconscious, but leaning against an old oak tree. I ran to the boy and saw the huge cut on his head. It bled down his face and soaked his cloths.

Black Bird {Gravity Falls Fanfic} •TyroneXBill•Where stories live. Discover now