The Black Bird

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Tyrone again cuz he's my baby
I spent the time walking back to the shack explaining connections to Bill. It was mostly just what was accepted and what wasn't, terms and what not.

"So, I'm a gay demon." He said after my rambling. I burst out laughing, just because that has got to be the dumbest thing I have ever heard anyone say.

"Yeah, yeah I guess so, just..." I stumbled, withholding my giggle.

"I don't understand this, Black Bird, you said that if I liked you I was gay." He said.

"Yeah, you are- but-"

"Is everyone gay?" He said, starting to get frustrated.

"What? No!" I said quickly.

"What happens if your not gay?"

"Most people aren't gay- they're straight."

"And that's if you like girls- right?"




"What is a girl?"

"Wait- really?" I asked, shocked. I looked him in the eyes and he wasn't kidding. "Like Mable and Wendy, they are girls."

"And Soos?" Bill asked. I burst out laughing again.

"No, not Soos, he's a guy like us." We were mostly silent for the rest of the walk, with a exceptions of my giggling at Soos being a girl.

When we reached the shack I looked through the window at the clock.


The cameras would be off.

"Hey..." I said as Bill looked up at me. "You can come upstairs with me, you don't have to go down to the basement if you don't want."

My heart beat loud, waiting for an answer.

"Yeah." He said. "Sounds a lot better than sleeping on the floor."

We crept inside and crawled up the ladder stairs that lead to the second floor. Bill's eyes let a yellow glow through the room as I reached behind the bookcase and pulled down on the lever. The bookcase slid to the side and I crept in, suddenly self conscious about my room.

There was a small light that hung from the ceiling, and the roof was comfortably low. My bed was more of a small little pit I had made from forming wooden planks into a rectangle  and filling it with pillows and blankets. I had one bookshelf full of papers and notes of mine that I had stapled into books, wedged between actual books on various sciences. I had notes painted on the wall across from my bed that overlapped, the letters fighting for dominance.

Bill let out a short "huh" as I reached for the light string in the dark.

"It's actually just a supplies closet that I got Ford to give me..." I said, heading to my dresser. He walked around a bit before plopping on my bed. "Here, I've got some clothes you can sleep in." I said tossing a big sweater and a pair of grey sweatpants at him.

Curious, I watched him hold them up and examine them. After a second he nodded and just... appeared in them. I didn't see a flash or transition or anything, he just flopped back on my bed and sunk into the pillows, his hands enveloped in the sleeves of the sweater.

Though he watched the ceiling, I changed under my sweater before walking to the bed.

"Move over." I demanded as I grabbed the blanket and the light string. The lights clicked off, but Bill's eyes illuminated the room. My face got hot as I could feel Bill's gaze on me and with the overwhelming urge to be close to him, I hid my face in his chest and listened to his breathing before I could finally relax and drift to sleep.

Black Bird {Gravity Falls Fanfic} •TyroneXBill•Where stories live. Discover now