Chapter 25

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Alex:I haven't


Alex: nope didn't do it with ona because i love you

Rose:i love you



Alex:your mean

Rose:I'm playing i do love you alex

Alex:i love you to I mean it

Rose: sure


Doctor:ok so i got the paper ok so you are

Alex:plz plz

Rose:no plz no plz

Doctor:you are having a baby

Alex:omg yessss


Doctor:you can go home now

Rose:thanks doctor

Doctor:yea np good lucky you guys


So we got out of the hospital and we are going home now

Alex:babygirl you sure its mine

Rose:Yea 100%

Alex: omg i going to be a dad and the mom is so beautiful and amazing

Rose:ok we need to works things out because i don't want my kid to have a stepmom

Alex:who said that you wipl be the only mom because i love you babygirl

Alex pit his hand on my leg

Rose:i love you alex

Alex:me too rose i love you

Rose:do you still have the baby  room

Alex:what do you think


Alex: i have both of them

Rose:omg i cant wait for my baby girl or boy

Alex: are we telling people or no

Rose:lets tell them


Rose:fuck i have a date today

Alex:with who


Alex stopped the car and trun it off and looked into my eyes

Alex:do you like him because i dont want to be in a relationship if you like someone

Rose:baby I'm sorry i do have feelings for him and you at the same time

We got to Alex's house

Rose:i missed this house

Alex:its yours keep

Rose:you playing no


Alex:we need yo talk


Alex picked me up  and took me to our old room and put me on the bed

Alex:i baby I understand if you like zach and if you want to be with him im not going to stop but one think i want you to know that i will aways wait for you and my princess or mu baby boy

Rose:i have to think alex


Rose:who was there when i got raped
Who was there for me when gio hit me
Who was waiting for me
Who's the baby daddy
Who's my best friend and the i fell in love
Rose:thats my answer

Alex:zach it is


Alex: im playing

Rose:i know baby

Alex:should we call our moms and tell then the news


Alex and i called our mom and they were happy and they are coming as soon as they can

Later on

Alex:i miss you babygirl

Rose:i do too alex

Alex: lets go to sleep

Rose:ok baby

Alex picked me up and went to go get some chips and went upstairs

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