Chapter 50

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Alex:here babygirl

Rose:thank s

I put my swimming suit under my clothes

I put my swimming suit under my clothes

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Alex:baby you look nice

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Alex:baby you look nice

Rose:thank you baby

Alex:ok come on

So we go in the car and alex stayed in the car

I went to the room and open it they where watching tv

Rose:ok guys lets go to the beach

Gio:ok but can I talk to you


Gio: rose I really like you

Rose:me and Alex are getting marred

Gio:but y'all broke up

Rose:no I fixed things with him because I love him more then anybody

Gio:no please don't say that

Rose:but I do love Alex

I saw a tear falling down from his cheek

Rose:I'm sorry

Gio:ok lets just go to the beach and have fun


We all got all our stuff and went downstairs

Gio:where you going the car over here

Rose:oh alex is over then

Gio:oh ok

We walk to his and put all the stuff in the truck and i sat in the front with my baby and jane and alexb in the back

Jane:you guys together

Rose:yea baby

Jane :is the baby a girl or a boy

Rose:we don't know baby


So we got to the beach and we got all our stuff out of the car and set up our little area

Rose:alexb and jane come here so I can put sunscreen


Jane:me first

Alex:ok jane come and i put you some


1 hour later

   The kids are playing with the sand and me Alex laying next to each other

Alex:babygirl they kids birthday is in a week

Rose:oh my god I forgot

Alex:i have i an idea

Alex:lets get them a dog

Rose:ok we take and pick or we pick


Rose:let's let them choose


Rose:and we will have a big party

Alex:at the house wait till you see the backyard

Rose:is it nice



I got up and act like o was mad

Alex:hey where you going

Alex grab my arm

Alex:come back

He pulled me to his lao

Rose:i was playing


Alex kissed me and i kissed him back and gio was looking but this time I didn't care this time

Rose:when can we see the new house

Alex:today and I fixed everything the rooms and stuff


Alex:want anything I going to the little store

Rose:ok bring me chips

Alex:ok Gio want something

Gio:yea chips too


So i was laying down and watching the kids and then I felt someone teach me on my leg and gio was on the other side when I saw his face I passed out

Gio:its you


Gio:wtf are you doing here

Gio  pov

Rose passed because she saw

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