Chatper 35

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So me and the kids moved back to la alex we haven't seen him in a long time over talked to him or text

The kids are 7 years old they go to school they are in 2nd grade

I had a few boyfriends and this but not with one right now

The kids ask for him but i don't saying anything Jane crys for him at night

Rose:jane and alexb

Alexb:yes mommy

Jane:yes mom

Rose:lets go to the mall

Alexb :yay

Jane:no mommy

Rose:why you aways cryiu

Jane:i miss daddy

Alexb :hes gone

Jane:mommy lied before

Alexb:mommy would never lie

Rose:ok let just go



I feel so bad because jane miss her dad so much and i tood her hes gone

We got to the mall and i bought then clothes and shoes and I bought some stuff for me

Then i saw gio

Rose:hey gio

Gio:rose how you doing


Gio:oh i have a person you want to see

Rose:is it diego

Gio:nope better

I see him go in a store and then i see the person i hate the most

Rose:kids trun around

Jane looked and she ran to him

It was alex

Alex:hi baby

Jane:daddy i miss you mommy said you were gone

Alex:im here now to take you

Rose:nonyou cant take her

Alexb: i didn't miss you dad mom told me and I understand

Alex:really alex


Rose:you cant take rose

Alex:ok then we will go to court

Rose:i win because im not in a gang

Alex:not in it anymore ask gio we hot out a week ago

Rose:ok fine take jane if she wants to go

Jane:yea I love you daddy

Alex:me to come on lets go shopping and i want you to meet someone name my girlfriend

Rose:it was omfg ona

Ona:hi jane im your dads girlfriend

Ona:hey rose and hi alex b

Rose:lets go alex and if you hurt my baby i will kill you


Roses:lets go alexb

Alex took jane and that made me sad and that he dating ona really


I wake up alexb and he got ready and we ate breakfast and i took him to school and i went back to school

Alex:miss me babygirl

Rose:you have a girlfriend

Alex:opps wrong one im outside


I open the door and it was alex

Alex:hi baby

Rose:hi rose

Alex:miss me


Alex:ok I leave the

Alex left and it was time to get them so alex went to go get alexb and jane

Alexb :hi mom

Rose:hi baby

Jane:hi mom going with daddy

Rose:ok my love


Alex:text me she out tonight


It was 9:30 and alex send me a picture

It was 9:30 and alex send me a picture

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Rose:i dont miss you

Alex:not even a little


Alex:on my way

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