Chapter 1

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All I was doing laying on my bed scrolling through Facebook. Then my dad just comes bursting in.

"What the hell were you thinking?" He asks.

"Depends during what?" I say.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe the 3 classes you skipped?" He tells me. What the fuck is he talking about? oh wait.

"Or maybe a field trip you signed for. Yep I didn't skip if that what you were thinking." I snap back. Shit. Probably shouldn't  have done that.

I wait for it. The hand slap. It seemed to happen more often. But I guess it's not his fault. It weird. He's been like this since mom left 6 years ago. I don't remember her that much. I guess I should be happy about that.

"Smart ass." I hear him say to himself.

Well that was different. I do the usual routine. And walk towards the kitchen to see dad and some woman I somewhat recognize.

"Hey. I'm gonna go to school." I say almost rushing.

"Hey sweetie." The woman says. Who the hell is she?

"I don't know you." Is all I say and hope she tells me.

"Well. I pretty sure I gave birth to you. So that would make me your mom. Dear." Oh.

"Okay. Lets get something straight, 1. You don't call me:Dear, Sweetie, Honey or any of those stupid names. 2. Do I look like I give a shit on who you are." I leave and let that sink in for them.

After the long trek and 30 minute ride. I get to school and the seat beside me, the one which is usually empty, is filled. With a pretty cute guy. Something's off from him. Maybe the extremely pale skin. Or....


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